

getTSDBSortKeyEntry(chunkId, [tableName])


chunkId is a STRING scalar or vector indicating the chunk ID. Note: When chunkId is a vector, its length cannot exceed 1024.

tableName (optional) is a STRING scalar indicating the DFS table name. If not specified, all tables under the specified chunk are checked.


This function obtains information on the sort key entries of each chunk (See the parameter sortColumns). It returns a table containing the following information:
  • chunkId: The chunk ID.

  • chunkPath: The DFS path to the chunk.

  • tableName: The DFS table name.

  • file: The level file name.

  • key: The sort key entry. Use an underscore "_" to separate sort keys.

  • size: The number of records with the sort key entry.

Note that the function cannot check data in the cache engine. You can call flushTSDBCache to forcibly flush the completed transactions cached in the TSDB cache engine to disk.


n = 10000
SecurityID = rand(`st0001`st0002`st0003`st0004`st0005, n)
sym = rand(`A`B`C`D`E, n)
TradeDate = 2022.01.01 + rand(100,n)
TotalVolumeTrade = rand(1000..3000, n)
TotalValueTrade = rand(100.0, n)
schemaTable_snap = table(SecurityID, sym, TradeDate, TotalVolumeTrade, TotalValueTrade).sortBy!(`SecurityID`sym`TradeDate)

dbPath = "dfs://TSDB_STOCK"
db_snap = database(dbPath, VALUE, 2022.01.01..2022.01.05, engine='TSDB')

snap=createPartitionedTable(dbHandle=db_snap, table=schemaTable_snap, tableName="snap", partitionColumns=`TradeDate, sortColumns=`SecurityID`sym`TradeDate, keepDuplicates=ALL, sortKeyMappingFunction=[hashBucket{,3}, hashBucket{,2}])

snap1=createPartitionedTable(dbHandle=db_snap, table=schemaTable_snap, tableName="snap1", partitionColumns=`TradeDate, sortColumns=`SecurityID`sym`TradeDate, keepDuplicates=ALL)

site chunkId path dfsPath type flag size version state versionList resolved
server11352 fe93077a-5a05-34a8-554c-67467415bf68 /dolphindb/server/server11352/storage/CHUNKS/TSDB_STOCK/20220410/yv /TSDB_STOCK/20220410/yv 1 0 0 1 0 cid : 2134,snap1=>2134:89; # false
server11352 5c30ef71-3e51-c5ac-6b4d-4458feb8454a /dolphindb/server/server11352/storage/CHUNKS/TSDB_STOCK/20220407/yv /TSDB_STOCK/20220407/yv 1 0 0 1 0 cid : 2134,snap1=>2134:95; # false
server11352 4216dbe9-c238-49a9-4d45-66829c98a7b5 /dolphindb/server/server11352/storage/CHUNKS/TSDB_STOCK/20220406/yv /TSDB_STOCK/20220406/yv 1 0 0 1 0 cid : 2134,snap1=>2134:92; # false
server11352 47ea0d35-7ea9-c3b3-cc4b-cc6cd1fe039d /dolphindb/server/server11352/storage/CHUNKS/TSDB_STOCK/20220401/yv /TSDB_STOCK/20220401/yv 1 0 0 1 0 cid : 2134,snap1=>2134:100; # false
server11352 aafd71c5-a197-63a9-2d4c-b65cbced3d21 /dolphindb/server/server11352/storage/CHUNKS/TSDB_STOCK/20220330/yv /TSDB_STOCK/20220330/yv 1 0 0 1 0 cid : 2134,snap1=>2134:97; # false
chunkId chunkPath tableName file key size
fe93077a-5a05-34a8-554c-67467415bf68 /dolphindb/server/server11352/storage/CHUNKS/TSDB_STOCK/20220410/yv snap1 0_00000058 st0001_A 2
fe93077a-5a05-34a8-554c-67467415bf68 /dolphindb/server/server11352/storage/CHUNKS/TSDB_STOCK/20220410/yv snap1 0_00000058 st0001_B 3
fe93077a-5a05-34a8-554c-67467415bf68 /dolphindb/server/server11352/storage/CHUNKS/TSDB_STOCK/20220410/yv snap1 0_00000058 st0001_C 2
fe93077a-5a05-34a8-554c-67467415bf68 /dolphindb/server/server11352/storage/CHUNKS/TSDB_STOCK/20220410/yv snap1 0_00000058 st0001_D 6
fe93077a-5a05-34a8-554c-67467415bf68 /dolphindb/server/server11352/storage/CHUNKS/TSDB_STOCK/20220410/yv snap1 0_00000058 st0002_A 4