userName is a string indicating the user name.
Get the status of backup/restore tasks. Return a table where each row represents the information of a task.
userName: user name
type: backup/restore types.
BACKUP_BY_SQL/RESTORE_BY_SQL: backup/restore by SQL statement
BACKUP_BY_COPY_FILE/RESTORE_BY_COPY_FILE: backup/restore by copying files
startTime: when the task starts
dbName: database path
tableName: table name
totalPartitions: the number of partitions to be backed up/restored
completedPartitions: the number of partitions have been backed up/restored
percentComplete: the completion percentage
endTime: return the end time of a task if it has ended, otherwise return the estimated completion time
completed: whether the task is completed. Return 1 if it is completed, otherwise 0.
The number of tasks generated for a backup statement is the same as the number of the backup partitions.
Administrators can check the tasks submitted by all users, or the tasks submitted by a specified user by specifying a userName.
When a non-administrator executes the function, return the status of backup/restore tasks submitted by the current user.
userName | type | startTime | dbName | tableName | totalPartitions | completedPartitions | percentComplete | endTime | completed |
u1 | BACKUP_BY_COPY_FILE | 2022.09.21T17:18:04.264 | dfs://valuedb | pt | 1 | 1 | 100 | 2022.09.21T17:18:04.269 | 1 |
u1 | BACKUP_BY_SQL | 2022.09.21T17:13:04.344 | dfs://valuedb | pt | 4 | 4 | 100 | 2022.09.21T17:13:04.413 | 1 |
u1 | BACKUP_BY_COPY_FILE | 2022.09.21T17:18:04.264 | dfs://valuedb | pt1 | 1 | 1 | 100 | 2022.09.21T17:18:04.265 | 1 |
admin | BACKUP_BY_COPY_FILE | 2022.09.21T16:47:42.798 | dfs://valuedb | pt | 4 | 4 | 100 | 2022.09.21T16:47:42.859 | 1 |
admin | BACKUP_BY_COPY_FILE | 2022.09.21T16:37:33.725 | dfs://valuedb | pt | 4 | 4 | 100 | 2022.09.21T16:37:33.790 | 1 |
admin | BACKUP_BY_SQL | 2022.09.21T15:10:05.016 | dfs://compoDB | pt2 | 10 | 10 | 100 | 2022.09.21T15:10:05.075 | 1 |