

ifirstHit(func, X, target)


func can only be the following operators: >, >=, <, <=, !=, <>, ==.

X is a vector/matrix/table.

target is a scalar of the same type as X indicating the value to be compared with X.


Return the index of the first element in X that satisfies the condition X func target (e.g. X>5).

If no element in X satisfies the condition, return -1.

Null values are ignored in ifirstHit.

  • Use ifirstNot to find the index of the first non-null value.

  • Use find to find the index of the first null value.


X = NULL 3.2 4.5 1.2 NULL 7.8 0.6 9.1
ifirstHit(<, X, 2.5)
// output: 3

 // return -1 if no element in X satisfies the condition.
ifirstHit(>, X, 10.0)
// output: -1

Related function: firstHit