

isortTop(X, top, [ascending=true])


X is a vector or a tuple of vectors of the same length.

top is a positive integer no more than the size of a vector in X.

ascending is a Boolean scalar or vector indicating whether to sort X (or vectors of X sequentially) in ascending order or descending order. The default value is true (ascending order).


Return the first few elements of the result of isort(X, [ascending]).


isortTop(2 1 4 3 6 5, 3);
// output: [1,0,3]

isortTop(2 1 4 3 6 5, 3, false);
// output: [4,5,2]

The following example first sorts m in descending order. For the identical elements in m, sort them based on descending n values at the corresponding positions. Return the original indices of the first three elements of sorted m.

m=1 1 2 2 3 3
n=1 2 1 2 1 2
isortTop([m,n], 3, [false, false]);
// output: [5,4,3]