isort!(X, [ascending=true], indices)
X is a vector or a tuple of vectors of the same length.
ascending is a Boolean scalar indicating whether to sort X (or vectors of X sequentially) in ascending order or descending order. The default value is true (ascending order).
indices is a vector of the same length as each vector in X.
isort!(x, ascending, y)
is equivalent to
. The result is assigned to y.
x=3 1 NULL 2
y=5 7 8 3
isort!(x, false, y);
// output: [5, 3, 7, 8]
// after sorted, x is [3, 2, 1, NULL], the first element 3 is corresponding to 5 in y, the second element 2 is corresponding to 3 in y, the third element 1 is corresponding to 7 in y, ... and so on.
x=2 2 1 1
y=2 1 1 2
isort!([x,y],[1,0],5 4 3 2);
// output: [2,3,5,4]