

submitJob(jobId, jobDesc, jobDef, args...)


jobId is a string indicating the job ID.

jobDesc is a string indicating job description.

jobDef is a local function that defines the job. Please note that it is not the function name, and therefore it should not be quoted.

args... is the arguments of the function. If the function has no arguments, it is unspecified.


Submit a batch job to the local node and return the job ID for future reference. To submit a batch job to a remote node, please use submitJob together with rpc or remoteRun. For details please refer to the section of BatchJobManagement.


The following script submits a job to the local node:

def jobDemo(n){
    s = 0
    for (x in 1 : n) {
        s += sum(sin rand(1.0, 100000000)-0.5)
        print("iteration " + x + " " + s)
    return s

submitJob("jobDemo1","job demo", jobDemo, 100);
// output: jobDemo1

node userID jobId rootJobId jobDesc priority parallelism clientIp clientPort receivedTime startTime endTime errorMsg
local8848 guest jobDemo1 d1d76cad-d46f-338c-4179-21cface3ce7c job demo 4 2 62016 2023.12.12T17:52:01.576 2023.12.12T17:52:01.585

endTime is empty. This means the job is still running. After the job finishes, endTime will have a value.

node userID jobId rootJobId jobDesc priority parallelism clientIp clientPort receivedTime startTime endTime errorMsg
local8848 guest jobDemo1 d1d76cad-d46f-338c-4179-21cface3ce7c job demo 4 2 62016 2023.12.12T17:52:01.576 2023.12.12T17:52:01.585 2023.12.12T17:53:23.204

/* output:
2020-09-13 13:40:10.139269 Start the job [jobDemo1]: job demo
2020-09-13 13:40:11.159543 iteration 1 3914.672836
2020-09-13 13:40:12.118014 iteration 2 4263.240185
2020-09-13 13:40:13.069435 iteration 3 4006.833021
2020-09-13 13:41:41.769256 iteration 97 -1897.963368
2020-09-13 13:41:42.706748 iteration 98 -2455.003061
2020-09-13 13:41:43.640253 iteration 99 924.915703
2020-09-13 13:41:43.640253 The job is done.

// output: 924.915703

submitJob("jobDemo2",, jobDemo, 10);
// output: jobDemo2

node userID jobId rootJobId jobDesc priority parallelism clientIp clientPort receivedTime startTime endTime errorMsg
local8848 guest jobDemo1 d1d76cad-d46f-338c-4179-21cface3ce7c job demo 4 2 62016 2023.12.12T17:52:01.576 2023.12.12T17:52:01.585 2023.12.12T17:53:23.204
local8848 guest jobDemo2 def84639-5b21-c6b0-47be-986b4563e192 jobDemo 4 2 62016 2023.12.12T17:57:42.325 2023.12.12T17:57:42.327 2023.12.12T17:57:49.995

The following script submits a job to a remote node:

With function rpc ("DFS_NODE2" is located in the same cluster as the local node):

def jobDemo(n){
    s = 0
    for (x in 1 : n) {
        s += sum(sin rand(1.0, 100000000)-0.5)
        print("iteration " + x + " " + s)
    return s

rpc("DFS_NODE2", submitJob, "jobDemo3", "job demo", jobDemo, 10);
// output: jobDemo3

rpc("DFS_NODE2", getJobReturn, "jobDemo3");
// output: -3426.577521

use function remoteRun or remoteRunWithCompression. For example:

conn = xdb("DFS_NODE2")
conn.remoteRun(submitJob, "jobDemo4", "job demo", jobDemo, 10);
// output: jobDemo4

conn.remoteRun(getJobReturn, "jobDemo4");
// output: 4238.832005