

rebalanceChunksWithinDataNode(nodeAlias, [exec = false], [updatedBeforeDays = 7.0])


nodeAlias is a string indicating the alias of a node.

exec (optional) is a Boolean value indicating whether to initiate data rebalancing within a data node. The default value is false, meaning that data rebalancing will not be executed and only the rebalancing plan will be returned.

updatedBeforeDays (optional) is a non-negative floating-point number, which limits the rebalancing process to only include chunks that were updated before updatedBeforeDays. The default value is 7 (in days).


After volumes are added in a data node, partitions on the other volumes need to be rebalanced for optimal performance. This function is used to rebalance data among volumes within a data node. It can only be executed on a controller by an administrator in cluster mode.

Starting from 2.00.12, rebalanceChunksWithinDataNode is supported in the standalone mode.

Return a table containing the following columns:

name meaning
chunkId the chunk ID
srcVolume source volume
destVolume destination volume

You can get the status of recovery tasks by getRecoveryTaskStatus on a controller.


ChunkId srcVolume destVolume
82c6eb6c-36ee-b1b6-4a86-ca24d9faaa25 /hdd/hdd1/volumes /hdd/hdd2/volumes