

remoteRunCompatible(conn, script, args...)


conn represents a database connection.

script is a string indicating the script or function name to be executed on the remote node.

args... (optional) are the parameters for the function to be executed if script is a function name. It can have 0 or multiple items.


Send a script or function to a remote database for execution.

Compared to remoteRun, remoteRunCompatible works across all database versions. The remoteRun function requires version compatibility when the local server is 3.00 or higher.


The first use case: script is the script.

Execute script on a remote node.

conn =  xdb(host="localhost",port=8848,userId="admin",password=123456);
remoteRunCompatible(conn, "avg(1..100)");

// output: 50.5

The second use case: script is a function name.

  • If it is quoted: execute a remote function on a remote node. The function is defined on the remote node, while the parameters of the function are given on the local node.

// create a function view on the remote node
def myAvg(x){
  return avg(x)+2

// execute function view "myAvg"
conn =  xdb("localhost",8848,`admin,`123456);
remoteRunCompatible(conn, "myAvg", 1..100);

// output: 52.5
  • If it is not quoted: execute a local function on a remote node. The parameters of the function are given on the local node.

// define function "myAvg" on the local node
def myAvg(x){
  return avg(x)+1

// execute "myAvg" function on the remote node
conn =  xdb("localhost",8848,`admin,`123456);
remoteRunCompatible(conn, myAvg, 1..100);

// output: 51.5

Related function: remoteRun