rowCovar(X, Y)
Please see rowFunctions for the parameters and calculation rules.
Calculate the covariance between X and Y by row and return a vector with the same number of rows of X.
m1=matrix(2 8 9 12, 9 14 11 8,-3 NULL NULL 9)
m2=matrix(11.2 3 5 9, 7 -10 8 5,17 12 18 9)
rowCovar(m1, m2)
// output: [-29.7333, -39, 3, 3.3333]
a= 110 112.3 44 98
b= 57.9 39 75 90
c= 55 64 37 78
x=array(DOUBLE[],0, 10).append!([a, b, c])
y=array(DOUBLE[],0, 10).append!([b, a, c])
rowCovar(x, y)
// output: [-327.9475, -327.9475, 295]
//Define a random data set x
x = rand(1.0, 1000000)
//calculate the covariance between x and sorted x in a sliding window with a user-defined aggregate function
timer moving(defg(x):covar(x, sort(x)), x, 5)
// output: 1928.888 ms
//calculate with rowCovar
timer rowCovar(x[movingWindowIndex(x, 5)], x[movingTopNIndex(x, 5, 5)])
// output: 232.407 ms
Related function: covar