

mrank(X, ascending, window, [ignoreNA=true], [tiesMethod='min'], [percent=false], [minPeriods])

Please see mFunctions for the parameters and windowing logic.


ascending is a Boolean value indicating whether the sorting direction is ascending.

ignoreNA is a Boolean value indicating whether null values are ignored in ranking. The default value is true. If null values participate in the ranking, they are ranked the lowest.

tiesMethod is a string indicating how to rank the group of records with the same value (i.e., ties):
  • 'min': lowest rank of the group

  • 'max': highest rank of the group

  • 'average': average rank of the group

percent is a Boolean value, indicating whether to display the returned rankings in percentile form. The default value is false.


Return the rank of each element of X in a sliding window.


X = 3 2 4 4 4 NULL 1

mrank(X, ascending=false, window=3, ignoreNA=true);
// output: [,,0,0,0,,1]

mrank(X, ascending=false, window=3, ignoreNA=true, minPeriods=2);
// output: [,1,0,0,0,,1]

mrank(X, ascending=false, window=3, ignoreNA=false, tiesMethod='max');
// output: [,,0,1,2,2,1]

mrank(X, ascending=false, window=3, ignoreNA=false, tiesMethod='max', minPeriods=2);
// output: [,1,0,1,2,2,1]

mrank(X, ascending=false, window=3, ignoreNA=false, tiesMethod='min');
// output: [,,0,0,0,2,1]

mrank(X, ascending=false, window=3, ignoreNA=false, tiesMethod='min', minPeriods=3);
// output: [,,0,0,0,,]

mrank(X, ascending=false, window=3, ignoreNA=false, tiesMethod='average');
// output: [,,0,0.5,1,2,1]

mrank(X, ascending=false, window=3, ignoreNA=false, tiesMethod='average', minPeriods=2);
// output: [,1,0,0.5,1,2,1]
m=matrix(1 2 5 3 4, 5 4 1 2 3);
#0 #1
1 5
2 4
5 1
3 2
4 3
mrank(m, true, 3);
#0 #1
2 0
1 1
1 2
mrank(m, true, 3, percent=true);
#0 #1
1 0.3333
0.6667 0.6667
0.6667 1

When window is the time offset of DURATION type:

m=matrix([1 4 2 4 5 7 4 3 2 5])
m.rename!(2020.01.01..2020.01.10, [`A])
mrank(m, window=3d, percent = 1)
label A
2020.01.01 1
2020.01.02 1
2020.01.03 0.6667
2020.01.04 0.6667
2020.01.05 1
2020.01.06 1
2020.01.07 0.3333
2020.01.08 0.3333
2020.01.09 0.3333
2020.01.10 1
mrank(m, window=1w, percent = 1)
label A
2020.01.01 1
2020.01.02 1
2020.01.03 0.6667
2020.01.04 0.75
2020.01.05 1
2020.01.06 1
2020.01.07 0.4286
2020.01.08 0.2857
2020.01.09 0.1429
2020.01.10 0.7143

Related functions: rank