

makeCall(F, args...)


F is a function.

args are the required parameters of F.


Call a function with the specified parameters to generate a piece of script. The difference between call and makeCall is that makeCall doesn't execute the script.


In the following example, we create a function generateReport that reports selected columns from a given table with specified format.

def generateReport(tbl, colNames, colFormat): sql(sqlColAlias(each(makeCall{format},sqlCol(colNames),colFormat),colNames), tbl).eval();
t = table(1..100 as id, (1..100 + 2018.01.01) as date, rand(100.0, 100) as price, rand(10000, 100) as qty, rand(`A`B`C`D`E`F`G, 100) as city);
id date price qty city
1 2018.01.02 77.9896 375 A
2 2018.01.03 8.1332 7864 F
3 2018.01.04 56.7185 4912 B
4 2018.01.05 72.4173 534 E
5 2018.01.06 8.2019 31 B
6 2018.01.07 74.7275 4139 A
7 2018.01.08 7.5421 2725 D
8 2018.01.09 59.1689 3095 C
9 2018.01.10 55.8454 5443 D
10 2018.01.11 32.1285 6998 G
generateReport(t, ["id", "date","price","qty"], ["0", "MM/dd/yyyy", "0.00", "#,###"]);
id date price qty
1 01/02/2018 77.99 375
2 01/03/2018 8.13 7,864
3 01/04/2018 56.72 4,912
4 01/05/2018 72.42 534
5 01/06/2018 8.20 31
6 1/07/2018 74.73 4,139
7 01/08/2018 7.54 2,725
8 01/09/2018 59.17 3,095
9 01/10/2018 55.85 5,443
10 01/11/2018 32.13 6,988

The equivalent SQL script for the previous execution is:

def generateReportSQL(tbl, colNames, colFormat): sql(sqlColAlias(each(makeCall{format},sqlCol(colNames),colFormat),colNames), tbl)
generateReportSQL(t, ["id", "date","price","qty"], ["0", "MM/dd/yyyy", "0.00", "#,###"]);
// output: < select format(id, "0") as id,format(date, "MM/dd/yyyy") as date,format(price, "0.00") as price,format(qty, "#,###") as qty from t >