Access Control and Security
Parameter | Description | Node |
thirdPartyAuthenticator | Specifies a function view (which takes the same
arguments as login) for third-party authentication. Users can
connect to a third-party system through DolphinDB plugins such as
HttpClient. Once specified, DolphinDB server authenticates the user
login through the third-party system. Note: To
call back the function view specified by this parameter, users
must have the necessary permissions. |
controller |
thirdPartyCreateUserCallback | Specifies one or multiple function views (split with
comma) to execute when the createUser has been
used. The callbacks will be invoked in the order they are specified,
from left to right. Note: Exceptions during the callback will be
caught and logged, but only the last one will be thrown after all
callbacks have finished executing.Note: To
call back the function view specified by this parameter, users
must have the necessary permissions. |
controller |
thirdPartyDeleteUserCallback | Specifies one or multiple function views (split with
comma) to execute when the deleteUser has been
used. The callbacks will be invoked in the order they are specified,
from left to right. Note: Exceptions during the callback will be
caught and logged, but only the last one will be thrown after all
callbacks have finished executing.Note: To
call back the function view specified by this parameter, users
must have the necessary permissions. |
controller |
enhancedSecurityVerification=false | A Boolean value indicating whether to enable
enhanced security verification, which includes password complexity
verification and password retry limit. Set to false (default) to
disable this function and true to enable. When it is enabled:
controller |
strictPermissionMode | A Boolean value specifying whether to enable strict
permission mode on the current node. The default value is false.
When set to true, operations such as disk read/write are only
allowed for administrators. Related functions include:
saveTextFile , saveAsNpy ,
backup , restore ,
restoreDB , restoreTable ,
backupDB , backupTable ,
migrate , file ,
files , writeObject ,
readObject , loadPlugin ,
close , fflush ,
mkdir , rmdir ,
rm , writeLog ,
run , runScript ,
test , saveTable ,
savePartition ,
saveDualPartition ,
saveDatabase , saveText ,
loadText , loadModule ,
saveModule . |
controller/data node/compute node |
enableShellFunction | A Boolean value indicating whether an administrator
can call the shell function. False (default) means
the shell function cannot be called by any user.
True means the permission to use the shell function
is granted for the administrator. |
controller/data node/compute node |
enableCoreDump=true | [Linux Only] Whether to check and enable core dumps when starting DolphinDB. The default value is true. true means that DolphinDB will check if core dumps are enabled during startup. If core dumps are disabled, it will try to enable them, provided the system's hard limit allows core dumps of a sufficient size. If core dumps are already enabled, no changes will be made. False means that DolphinDB will start up without checking or modifying the system's current core dump enablement state. | data node |
disableCoreDumpOnShutdown =false | [Linux Only] Whether to disable core dumps during a graceful shutdown. The default value is false, meaning core dumps will not be disabled during a graceful shutdown. This parameter only takes effect for the local node. | data node |
In a cluster setup, if a node fails, users can manually restart the node or wait for the datanodeRestartInterval time for the cluster to automatically restart the node.
Parameter | Description | Node |
datanodeRestartInterval=0 | It is a non-negative integer of int type. Its unit is second. Defaults to 0, indicating that the system will not automatically start data/compute nodes. Configure this parameter to implement the following features: (1) Automatically start the data/compute node after the controller is started (the agent needs to be started); (2) The data/compute node will be automatically restarted after its offline time is larger than the set value (for a non-graceful shutdown and the agent needs to be started). | controller |
datanodeRestartLevel=CRASH | Specifies the triggering condition for the
controller to automatically restart the data/compute node. It can
take the following values (case sensitive):
controller |
Single Sign-On
Parameter | Description |
oauth | A Boolean value specifying whether to enable OAuth SSO on the web interface. The default value is false, indicating that it is disabled. |
oauthWebType | A string specifying the OAuth type to be used by the web interface. It can be 'authorization code' (default) and 'implicit'. |
oauthAuthUri | A string specifying the URI of the authorization
server, e.g.,
'' . |
oauthClientId | A string specifying the client ID. |
oauthClientSecret | A string specifying the client password. This parameter is required if oauthWebType is set to 'authorization code'. |
oauthRedirectUri | A string specifying the URI of the web interface. Note that if this parameter is specified, it must match the third-party callback URL; if unspecified, it defaults to the third-party callback URL for redirection. |
oauthTokenUri | A string specifying the token endpoint URI. This parameter is required if oauthWebType is set to 'authorization code'. |
oauthTokenRequestMethod | A string specifying the HTTP request method for the token. It can be 'GET' and 'POST' (default). |
oauthUserUri | A string specifying the URI to obtain the
username, e.g.,
'' . |
oauthUserRequestMethod | A string specifying the HTTP request method for the username. It can be 'GET' (default) and 'POST'. |
oauthUserField | A string specifying the response field for the username. Note that an error occurs if the configuration doesn't match the returned field. |
- Parameters such as oauthAuthUri, oauthRedirectUri,
oauthTokenUri, and oauthUserUri only support the input of
strings enclosed in quotes. Values containing special characters (e.g.,
) need to have the entire input value enclosed in quotes. - If oauth is enabled, parameters oauthAuthUri, oauthClientId, oauthUserUri, and oauthUserField must be configured.
Compute-Storage Separation
Since version 3.00.2, DolphinDB has implemented a compute-storage separation architecture by introducing compute groups to clusters.
Parameter | Description | Node |
computeNodeCacheDir | Specifies the directory for compute node cache. Default: <HomeDir>/Disaggregation. | Compute Node |
computeNodeCacheMeta | Specifies the directory for the compute node cache metadata. Default: <computeNodeCacheDir>/meta. | Compute Node |
computeNodeMemCacheSize | A non-negative integer representing the maximum memory cache size (in MB) for the compute node. The default value is 1024, and the maximum is 5% * maxMemSize. | Compute Node |
computeNodeDiskCacheSize | A non-negative integer representing the maximum disk cache size (in MB) for the compute node. The default value is 65536 (i.e., 64 GB). | Compute Node |
enableComputeNodeCacheEvictionFromQueryThread | A Boolean value specifying whether query threads can perform cache eviction. Setting to true (default) improves the cache cleanup efficiency, but may increase query latency under limited cache conditions. | Compute Node |
computeNodeCachingDelay | A non-negative integer representing the time interval (in seconds) that must elapse after the last update of a partition before it can be cached on the compute node. Default is 360. | Controller |
computeNodeCachingQueryThreshold | A non-negative integer representing the threshold for caching based on the number of queries on a partition. The default value is 1, and the maximum is 32767. A partition can be cached on the compute node after exceeding the query threshold. | Controller |
enableComputeNodePrefetchData | A Boolean value that determines the system's behavior during cache misses (i.e., when a partition cannot be found in the cache). When enabled (default), the system simultaneously assigns queries to the data node while initiating asynchronous cache prefetching in the compute group. This can lower latency but may increase network and CPU load due to repeated query execution. When disabled, queries are processed exclusively within the compute group. | Controller |
Multi-Cluster Management
Since version 3.00.2, DolphinDB has introduced an advanced multi-cluster management feature, enabling inter-cluster network communication and resource scheduling. There are two roles in multi-cluster management: MoM (master of master, a single node or the controller of the cluster) and member clusters (with their controllers as masters). To architect a multi-cluster environment, you can use the following configuration parameters.
Parameter | Description | Node |
isMasterOfMaster | A boolean value to determine whether the current node is a MoM node. | On a single node or the controller of the cluster |
momHeartbeatHandler | A string specifying one or more function views (comma-separated) as callback functions. These functions are triggered when the MoM node receives heartbeat signals from the controller of member clusters. The heartbeats serve as inputs to these functions. When multiple functions are listed, they execute sequentially from left to right. | MoM node |
masterOfMasterSite | A string host:port specifying the IP address and port number of the MoM node. | Controllers of member clusters |
clusterName | A string specifying the name of the current cluster. | MoM node or the controllers of member clusters |
High Availability
The metadata for cluster is stored on controllers. A standard cluster contains a single controller, and its failure can lead to cluster downtime. To prevent this, DolphinDB allows multiple controllers to form a Raft group, ensuring high availability for controllers.
To enable high availability for controllers, dfsHAMode=Raft and the network information about all nodes should be specified in the configuration file for each controller (default is controller.cfg).
Parameter | Description |
dfsHAMode=Raft | Whether the controller nodes form a raft group. It can be Raft or None (default). |
raftElectionTick=800 | Specify a time interval (in 10ms):
[raftElectionTick, 2*raftElectionTick]. After receiving the last
heartbeat from the leader, if a follower does not receive the next
heartbeat after a random waiting time within the specified interval,
it will send a request for leader election. The default value is 800
(8 seconds) and the interval is [8s, 16s]. raftElectionTick
should be specified in controller.cfg. Note: All controllers of the raft group must
have the same configurations. |
In a cluster setup, before an agent starts up, parameters localSite and controllerSite should be configured in the configuration file for agents (default is agent.cfg). In the configuration file for agent nodes (default is agent.cfg), the controllerSite parameter should be specified as the LAN information about any controller in the Raft group and the sites parameter should be added.
Parameter | Description |
controllerSite | Host address, port number and alias of the controller site of the agent node. When an agent starts up, it uses this information to contact the controller. It must be identical as localSite of one of the controllers in controller.cfg. |
sites | Specifies the LAN information for the current agent node and all controllers in the cluster with the same format as localSite. Use commas to separate multiple nodes. |
To ensure data security and high availability, DolphinDB supports storing multiple replicas across different servers and adopts a two-phase commit protocol to ensure strong consistency among replicas and between data and metadata. Even if the data on a server is corrupted, the service remains uninterrupted by accessing replicas on other servers. To enable data replication and backup, the following parameters need to be configured in controller.cfg:
Parameter | Description |
dfsReplicationFactor=2 | The number of all replicas for each data chunk. The default value is 2. |
dfsReplicaReliabilityLevel=0 | Whether multiple replicas can reside on the same
dfsRecoveryWaitTime=0 | In a multi-replica cluster setup, the failure of a data node can result in an inconsistency between the number of replicas in the cluster and the value of dfsReplicationFactor. The dfsRecoveryWaitTime parameter specifies the length of time (in milliseconds) before replicating the inconsistent replicas to other nodes. The minimum value is 60,000 and any value below will be automatically adjusted to 60,000. The default value is 0, indicating no automatic recovery. |
Log files include metadata log file, redo log, query log, system log and batch job log. They have different requirements for disk performance. Generally, metadata log and redo log should be stored on SSDs while other logs can be stored on HDDs.
Runtime Log
Upon server startup, the system automatically generates runtime information. Users can determine whether to output the information to the command line or the runtime log by setting the stdoutLog parameter in the command line.
Parameter | Description |
logFile=DolphinDBlog | The path and name of the log file. It displays the server configuration specifications, warnings and error messages. |
maxLogSize=1024 | The system will archive the server log after the
log reaches the specified size limit (in MB). The default value
is 1024 and the minimum value is 100. Upon reaching this limit,
DolphinDB automatically generates a new log with a timestamp
prefix in seconds. The prefix is in the format of \date\seq,
e.g. 20181109000. seq has 3 digits and starts with 000. Note: In standalone mode, maxLogSize
can only be specified in command line. |
logRetentionTime=30 | To prevent excessive resource usage from old logs, the logRetentionTime parameter can be used to specify the amount of time (in days) to keep a log file before deleting it. The default value is 30 (of floating-point data type). For example, 0.5 means 12 hours. If set to 0, log files are not deleted. |
logLevel=INFO | Specifies the level equal to and above which
logs are printed to help users locate the error message in the
log. From the lowest to the highest level, the possible values
are DEBUG, INFO, WARNING andERROR. The default value is
INFO. Note: The log printing level can
also be adjusted online using the setLogLevel function. |
Redo Log
After a transaction is completed, the system automatically purges the corresponding redo logs. This process can be optimized by specifying the following parameters.
Parameter | Description |
redoLogPurgeInterval=30 | Clear the redo log of transactions whose data have been persisted at intervals specified by redoLogPurgeInterval in terms of seconds. The default value is 30. |
redoLogPurgeLimit=4 | Clear the redo log of transactions whose data have been persisted if the size of the redo log exceeds redoLogPurgeLimit in terms of MB. The default value is 4. |
Job Log
Parameter | Description | Node |
batchJobDir | The folder for batch job logs and results. The default value is <HomeDir>/batchJobs. | data node |
batchJobFileRetentionTime | A floating-point number that sets the retention time (in days) for the files storing outputs (<job>.msg) and return values (<job>.obj) for batch and scheduled jobs. The default value 0 means these files will not be automatically deleted. | data node |
Query Log
In a cluster setup, the system also logs descriptive information of the queries for each node.
Parameter | Description | Node |
jobLogFile=nodeAlias_job.log | The path and name of the job log file that contains descriptive information of all the queries that have been executed for each node. It must be a csv file. The default folder for the job log file is the log folder. The default name of the job log file is nodeAlias_job.log. | data node |
jobLogRetentionTime=0 | A floating-point number indicating the retention time (in days) to keep achived query logs. A query log on a node (<nodeAlias>_job.log) is archived if its size exceeds 1 GB. The default value is 0, indicating that archived logs are not to be deleted. | data node |
In version, a new parameter enableDFSQueryLog is added. This helps identify the queries that are taking too long or those that are in progress during a node failure, troubleshooting probable causes for node congestion or deadlocks.
Parameter | Description | Node |
enableDFSQueryLog=false | Different from parameter jobLogFile that only records executed queries, enableDFSQueryLog records all completed and ongoing queries and subqueries on DFS tables. The default value is false. To set it to true, parameter perfMonitoring must be enabled. When set to true, a query log named nodeAlias_query.log will be generated in the directory where nodeAlias_job.log is located. The query log contains the following fields: node, userId, sessionId, rootId, type, level, time, database, table, and jobDesc. Subqueries on DFS tables return a query log with fields "database" and "table" left empty. | data node |
queryLogRetentionTime=0 | When the size of the query lognodeAlias_query.log exceeds 1 GB, the system archives the log file and subsequent logs will be written to a new file. This parameter is a floating point number indicating the retention time (in days) to keep archived query logs. The default value is 0, indicating that archived logs are not to be deleted. | data node |
Note: Although nodeAlias_query.log and nodeAlias_job.log share similarities in functionality and recorded fields, they differ in the following aspects:
- nodeAlias_query.log records only complete queries.
- nodeAlias_job.log records both complete queries and queries in progress.
SQL Trace Log
The storage path for SQL trace logs is specified by the traceLogDir parameter.
Parameter | Description |
traceLogDir | The SQL tracing log path. The default value is <HomeDir>/traces. |
DDL Trace Log
Parameter | Description | Node |
enableAuditLog | Whether to enable logging DDL operations to a separate log file. The default value is false. When set to true, an audit log will be generated in the directory <logFile>/<ALIAS>_audit.log. The maximum size of an audit log file is 128M, beyond which another file prefixed with a timestamp (in second) will be automatically generated for continuous storage of DDL operations. | data node |
auditLogRetentionTime | A floating-point number indicating the amount of time (in days) to keep an audit log before deleting it. For example, 0.5 means 12 hours. The default value is 0, indicating that audit log files are not deleted. | data node |
Thread Types
DolphinDB provides the following types of threads:
worker: threads that handle regular interactive tasks.
Since version 1.30.22/2.00.10, DolphinDB has introduced a multilevel task assignment algorithm which divides the jobs and tasks (broken down from jobs) into different levels. The jobs and tasks are handled by the workers at the same levels. The levels of workers range from 0 to 5.
A job submitted to the node starts at level 0 and is handled by a level 0 worker. Based on the number of partitions involved in the job, the level 0 worker breaks it into an equivalent number of tasks. Local tasks are executed concurrently by the level 0 or level 1 workers, while remote tasks are sent to remote nodes by remote executors. Tasks sent to remote nodes are marked as level 1 and handled by level 1 workers there. If a task is further divided into subtasks, the remote subtasks are marked one level lower than their parent and handled by workers at the same level on the remote nodes.
With different levels of workers handling different levels of jobs and tasks, deadlock issues caused by circular dependencies across nodes can be effectively prevented.
The number of workers determines the concurrent computing capability of a system.
- remote executor: an independent thread that sends tasks to remote computing nodes. The remote executor is failure tolerant. If one machine fails, the remote executor will send the task to another machine with the data necessary for the task.
- batch job worker: threads that handle batch jobs. Batch jobs are submitted with function submitJob and are usually time-consuming jobs. A batch job worker will be destroyed automatically after being idle for over 60 seconds.
- dynamic worker: if there are jobs in the queue of regular interactive jobs and no jobs are completed in the previous second, the system will create dynamic workers to process the jobs in the queue. A dynamic worker will automatically be destroyed after being idle for 60 seconds. Dynamic workers make the system more responsive and can solve deadlocks among multiple nodes.
- web worker: threads that handle HTTP requests. DolphinDB provides a web-based cluster management interface to interact with DolphinDB nodes.
- urgent worker: threads that only handle time-sensitive system-level jobs
such as logins (
) and job cancellations (cancelJob
). The configuration parameter urgentWorkerNum specifies the maximum number of urgent workers. The default is 1.
Parameter | Description |
workerNum | The size of worker pool for regular interactive jobs. The default value is the number of CPU cores. |
remoteExecutors=1 | The number of remote executors. The default is 1. It is recommended to set it to the number of cluster nodes - 1. |
maxBatchJobWorker=4 | The maximum number of batch job workers. The default value is the value of workerNum. |
maxDynamicWorker=4 | The maximum number of dynamic workers. The default value is the value of workerNum. |
webWorkerNum=1 | The size of the web worker pool to process HTTP requests. The default value is 1. |
urgentWorkerNum=1 | The maximum number of urgent workers. The default value is 1. |
enableMultiThreadMerge | A Boolean value indicating whether the results of subqueries assigned to each node can be merged using multiple threads. The default value is false. When set to true, for multi-threaded merging to be effectively performed, the subquery result must contain at least two columns and have more than 50 million entries. This configuration parameter can provide a significant performance boost for queries involving a large number of partitions. |
openblasThreads | The number of threads that can be used by OpenBLAS. It is applicable to matrix computing. |
Memory Management
To avoid the OOM issues caused by insufficient memory in queries and calculations on large-scalr data, DolphinDB offers the following parameters for memory optimization.
Parameter | Description |
maxMemSize=0 | The maximum memory (in units of GB) allocated to DolphinDB. If set to 0, it means no limits on memory usage. The value of maxMemSize cannot exceed the machine memory. |
warningMemSize | When memory usage exceeds warningMemSize (in units of GB), the system will automatically clean up the cache of some databases to avoid OOM exceptions. The default value is 75% of MaxMemSize. |
reservedMemSize=5% * maxMemSize | A positive number specified in units of GB. When the available memory in DolphinDB is less than reservedMemSize, DolphinDB only allocates a memory block of limited size (as specifiedby maxBlockSizeForReservedMemory) for each memory request. reservedMemSize is provided to restrict the memory allocation for each memory request to improve the likelihood that there is enough memory for critical operations that use a small amount of memory (error reporting, rollbacks, etc.). For example, when data writes fail due to insufficient memory, the transactions can be rolled back to guarantee data consistency. If the parameter is not specified, the system sets reservedMemSize = 5% * maxMemSize and reservedMemSize must be between 64MB and 1GB. |
maxBlockSizeForReservedMemory=8 | The maximum size (in units of KB) of the memory block that DolphinDB allocates for each memory request when its available memory is less than reservedMemSize. The default value is 64. It is not recommended to set it too high as exceptions or crashes may occur if there isn't enough memory left for critical database operations. |
memoryReleaseRate=5 | Specifies the rate at which unused memory is released to the operating system. It is a floating point number between 0 and 10. The default value is 5. memoryReleaseRate = 0 means that unused memory will not be released actively; memoryReleaseRate = 10 means that memory will be released at the fastest speed. memoryReleaseRate is equivalent to the TCMALLOC_RELEASE_RATE flag of TCMalloc. |
dataSync=0 | Whether database logs are forced to persist to disk before the transaction is committed. If dataSync=1, the redo logs, data, and metadata are forced to persist to disk. If dataSync=0 (default), the operating system will decide when to write the log files to disk. |
DolphinDB offers regular arrays and big arrays. Regular arrays use continuous memory, which enhances performance. However, if there is not enough continuous memory, an out-of-memory exception may occur. In contrast, big arrays use small memory blocks to relieve the memory fragmentation issue. This, however, may come with light performance penalty for certain operations.
Parameter | Description |
regularArrayMemoryLimit=2048 | The limit on the maximum memory size (in MB) of a
regular array. Its value must be a power of 2. The default value is
2048 (MB). The actual available memory is
min(regularArrayMemoryLimit, maxMemSize/2) . If
the memory occupied by an array exceeds this limit, the system will
create a big array instead. |
Hard Disk
Parameter | Description |
volumes | The folder where data files are saved in the
distributed file system on a data node. Users can specify multiple
volumes across different disks for higher read and write
performance. The default value is:
chunkMetaDir | The folder for the metadata on each data node. The default value is the first path specified by the volumes parameter. |
allowVolumeCreation=true | Sets the parameter to determine whether a volume can be created automatically if the volume does not exist. The value can be 0 or 1. The default value 1 indicates to create volumes automatically. If the parameter is set to 0, the system will report an error if the volume does not exist. |
volumeUsageThreshold=0.97 | Specifies the upper limit of volume usage on a data node. It is a floating-point value in (0, 1]. The default value is 0.97. When the volume usage on a data node reaches the threshold, new chunks are not allowed to be created on the node, but data can be written to existing chunks. The parameter can only be configured on the controller. |
diskIOConcurrencyLevel=1 | Specifies the number of threads for reading and writing to disk for I/O improvement. The default value is 1. diskIOConcurrencyLevel = 0 means the threads handling the relevant tasks will read and write to the disk. When diskIOConcurrencyLevel > 0, the system will create the specified number of threads to read and write to the disk concurrently. For HDDs, it is recommended to set diskIOConcurrencyLevel to the number of volumes configured on the node (specified by the configuration parameter volumes). For SSDs, it is recommended to set diskIOConcurrencyLevel = 0 |
useHardLink=true | Whether to use the hardlink feature of the file system. Set to true to use the system hardlink feature; Set to false to not use the hardlink feature. The default value is true. |
maxFileHandles=1024 | Sets the maximum number of file descriptors open in a DolphinDB process. |
Since version 2.00.9, DolphinDB supports trading calendars for functions temporalAdd, resample, asFreq, and transFreq.
Parameter | Description |
marketHolidayDir | Specifies the directory to the file of market
holidays. Either absolute or relative directory can be specified.
The system searches the relative directory in the following order:
home directory of the node, the working directory of the node, and
the directory with the DolphinDB executable. The default directory
is <HomeDir> /marketHoliday. The file must be a
single-column CSV file with DATE data. Based on the CSV files under
marketHolidayDir, a trading calendar is created with the file name
as its identifier. Note:
In the distributed file system, the metadata of the cluster is stored in files and on controllers. The storage path can be specified by the dfsMetaDir parameter.
Parameter | Description | Node |
dfsMetaDir | The directory to save the metadata of the
distributed file system. The default value is:
controller |
To reduce network transmission costs, it is recommended to allocate all cluster nodes within the same LAN.
Parameter | Description |
localSite | The LAN information of the node, including host
address, port number and alias of the node, separated by ":".In
standalone mode, the default value is localhost:8848:local8848. If
the port is occupied, it can be modified in the corresponding
configuration file. Assigning an alias helps quickly identify and
connect to a specific node. For example, users can set the
server parameter of subscribeTable as
the alias of a remote node to subscribe to the stream table
published by this node. Use getNodeAlias to get the
alias of the current node and use
getControllerAlias to get the alias of the
controller. |
Since version 2.00.9, license server is supported for resource allocation. License server is only available with license of type 3. You may contact our technical support for more information.
Parameter | Description |
mode | Node mode. It can be “controller“, “agent“, “datanode“, or “computenode“. mode must be specified in the configuration file of each node. |
computeGroup | Specifies the compute group that a compute node
belongs to. It can only be added after a compute node using the
format host:port:alias,computenode,groupName . For
example, to specify a compute node belonging to group orca,,computenode,orca . |
The following TCP configuration parameters allow users to optimize communication. Enabling these parameters can reduce transmission latency, but may increase network load.
Parameter | Description |
tcpNoDelay=1 | Whether to enable the TCP_NODELAY socket option. The default value is false. |
tcpUserTimeout=300000 | Set the socket option TCP_USER_TIMEOUT. The default value is 300000 (in ms). |
The controller monitors the status of other nodes through a heartbeat mechanism, which can use either TCP or UDP for transmission. The related configuration parameters are as follows:
Parameter | Description |
lanCluster=true | Whether the cluster is within a LAN. If set to true
(default), use UDP for heartbeats. If set to false, use TCP for
heartbeats. Set lanCluster = false if the system is deployed
in the cloud. Note: lanCluster should be
specified in the corresponding configuration file of agent, data
node, or compute node. |
dfsChunkNodeHeartBeatTimeout=8 | An integer indicating the time interval (in seconds)
for marking a data node/compute node/agent as down. If the controller has not received heartbeat message from a node for more than this time interval, the node will be marked and treated as down. A larger value is recommended for a poor network. The default value is 8. |
In a cluster, a local node can be connected to other remote nodes and sessions created by API, GUI, or Web notebook.
Parameter | Description |
maxConnectionPerSite=2 | The maximum number of connections from the local node to remote nodes. Minimum is 16. The default value is set to (workerNum + webWorkerNum + 1), with a minimum value of 16. |
maxConnections=64 | The maximum number of connections (from GUI, API, other nodes, etc) to the local node. |
enableHTTPS=false | Whether to enable HTTPS protocol. The default value is false. |
publicName | Within a LAN, the cluster's web interface can be directly accessed using the controller’s IP address and port. If the controller is not in the same LAN as other nodes, the external network information must be configured through the publicName parameter. It consists of the internet IP or domain name of the controller. If enableHTTPS=true, publicName must be specified as the domain name. |
RDMA allows one computer system's memory to directly access the memory of other computer systems without involving the central processing unit (CPU). To enable RDMA in DolphinDB:
- Using RDMA technology requires special network interface cards (NICs) and other hardware support. Consider the compatibility of RDMA NICs with existing hardware and ensure correct installation of the current operating system and drivers.
- The libibverbs library must be downloaded on all machines in the cluster.
- The enableRDMA configuration parameter must be enabled on all cluster nodes (controller, data nodes, compute nodes, and agent).
Parameter | Description |
enableRDMA | [Linux Only] A BOOLEAN value indicating whether to enable RDMA. The default value is false, meaning RDMA is not enabled. |
Starting from versions 2.00.14/3.00.2, DolphinDB offers centralized resource distribution and management through a public license server, which is hosted and maintained by DolphinDB on the public internet. Enabling the public license server mode requires a specialized license file (type 3), registration and configurations. Contact DolphinDB technical support for more information.
Note: Before configuring the following parameters, make sure a licenseServer.lic file (which can be obtained from DolphinDB support team) has been placed under the server directory.
Parameter | Description | Node |
useLicenseServer | Boolean. When true, starts in license server mode. When false (default), starts as a regular node using local license file. | Standalone server, or all types of nodes in a cluster |
coreAffinity | String specifying CPU core IDs for the node.
Separate multiple IDs by ","; consecutive IDs can use "-" (e.g.,
"1,2,3,4" or "1-4" for binding cores 1 to 4).
Standalone server, or all types of nodes in a cluster. Only configurable for nodes requesting resources from license server |
Recovery and Rebalance
Online recovery repairs inconsistent or corrupted data replicas in a distributed file system (DFS). The online recovery process consists of the following two stages:
- In the synchronous stage, the source node (with intact replica) identifies the maximum CID of the target node (with inconsistent replica) and copies the differential data.
- In the synchronous stage, The source node copies the remaining data to the target node.
Parameter | Description |
dfsSyncRecoveryChunkRowSize=1000 | A positive integer with a default value of 1000. During data recovery, asynchronous replicationis switched to synchronous replication when the differential records between replicas is less than dfsSyncRecoveryChunkRowSize. |
dfsRecoveryConcurrency | The number of concurrent recovery tasks in a node recovery. This parameter can be adjusted to increase the concurrency of recovery tasks, thus further improve the speed of inter-node data recovery. The default value is twice the number of all data nodes in the cluster. |
recoveryWorkers=1 | An integer indicating the number of workers that can
be used to recover chunks synchronously in node recovery. The
default value is 1. Note:
Data rebalancing can be divided into two modes:
- Intra-node rebalancing (through rebalanceChunksWithinDataNode): Rebalance data in the chunks of a data node after volumes are added to this node, improving I/O performance.
- Inter-node rebalancing (through rebalanceChunksAmongDataNodes): Rebalance data among nodes when data is unevenly distributed across nodes in a cluster.
Parameter | Description |
dfsRebalanceConcurrency | The number of concurrent rebalance tasks in a node rebalance. The default value is twice the number of all nodes except the agent. |
enableDfsRecoverRedo=true | Whether to enable recovery redo log. If set to true, the redo log for node recovery transactions is enabled, where the data related to recovery transactions is written. This helps minimize the impact of node downtime or disconnection on the recovery process. |
recoverLogDir=<LogDir>/recoverLog | The directory of the recovery redo log. It must be stored on a separate disk (preferably SSD) from the data files. The default is <LogDir>/recoverLog. |
Asynchronous Replication
Master Cluster
The parameters clusterReplicationSlaveNum and clusterReplicationMode must be configured.
Parameter | Description | Node |
clusterReplicationSlaveNum | Specifies the upper limit of slave clusters. The default value is 2. | controller |
clusterReplicationMode | Specifies whether the cluster is master or slave cluster. | data node |
clusterReplicationWorkDir | Specifies the working directory where data of write tasks on the master cluster is stored. The default value is <HomeDir>/clusterReplication. A larger-sized SSD is recommended. | data node |
clusterReplicationSyncPersistence=false | Specifies a Boolean value indicating whether to persist data of write tasks synchronously or asynchronously. Note: Synchronous persistence ensures data consistency but may affect transaction efficiency, while asynchronous persistence improves performance but may cause data loss in node crashes. | data node |
Slave Cluster
The parameters clusterReplicationMasterCtl and clusterReplicationMode must be configured.
Parameter | Description | Node |
clusterReplicationMasterCtl | Specifies ip:port of the controller in the master cluster. For a high-availability (HA) cluster, you can specify any controller in a raft group. | controller |
clusterReplicationMode | Specifies whether the cluster is master or slave cluster. | data node |
clusterReplicationExecutionUsername | Specifies the username (default=admin) used to execute operations regarding cluster replication. The specified user must have relevant privileges on transactions, otherwise the asynchronous tasks will fail. | data node |
clusterReplicationExecutionPassword | Specifies the user password (default=123456) for
clusterReplicationExecutionUsername. Note: Since version 2.00.13/3.00.1, the user
is not required to specify this parameter. |
data node |
clusterReplicationQueue | A positive integer specifying the number of execution queues. The default value is 4 times the number of data nodes. | controller |
clusterReplicationWorkerNum | The number of workers (task execution threads) on each data node. The default value is max(workerNum/4, 4). | data node |
Job Management
There are two types of jobs in DolphinDB, interactive jobs and asynchronous jobs. Most tasks submitted via scripts are interactive jobs. Asynchronous jobs mainly refer to batch and scheduled jobs. For more information, refer to Job Management.
Interactive Jobs
The maximum number of concurrent interactive jobs that can be executed on a node is determined by the number of workers and web workers. The submitted interactive jobs are added to a queue, from which the workers consume the jobs submitted via non-web clients and the web workers consume the ones submitted via the Web interface.
Parameter | Description |
workerNum=4 | The size of worker pool for regular interactive jobs. The default value is the number of CPU cores. |
webWorkerNum=1 | The size of the web worker pool to process HTTP requests. The default value is 1. |
Asynchronous Jobs
Asynchronous jobs include batch jobs, scheduled jobs, and streaming jobs. Batch jobs are submitted with submitJob or submitJobEx.
Parameter | Description |
maxBatchJobWorker=4 | The maximum number of batch job workers. If it is exceeded, the incoming batch jobs will enter a queue. The default value is the value of workerNum. |
maxCachedBatchJobNum=2048 | The maximum number of batch jobs in the batch job queue. Batch jobs in the queue are automatically destroyed after being idle for more than 60 seconds. The default value is 2048. |
Job Parallelism
Parameter | Description |
jobParallelismHardLimit=false | A Boolean value indicating whether to set the limit on the maximum number of workers a task can use. The default value is false. If it is set to true, the maximum number of workers a task can use cannot exceed the specified parallelism. |
defaultJobParallelism=2 | A positive integer in range (0,64] indicating the default parallelism of the background task submitted by users. The default value is 2. Note that if the value of this parameter falls outside the specified range, the server fails to start. |
The following parameters need to be configured to initiate streaming data persistence:
Parameter | Description |
persistenceDir= /home/DolphinDB/Data/Persistence | The directory where shared streaming tables are persisted to. To enable persistence, persistenceDir must be specified. In a cluster, each data node should be configured with different persistenceDir. |
persistenceWorkerNum=1 | The number of workers responsible for persisting streaming tables to disk in asynchronous mode. The default value is 0. |
The streaming data persistence feature in DolphinDB mainly serves the following purposes:
- Backup and restore streaming data. When a node reboots, the persisted data can be automatically loaded into the stream table.
- Avoid out-of-memory problems.
- Resubscribe from any position.
Publisher Node
The following parameters can be configured on the publisher node:
Parameter | Description |
maxMsgNumPerBlock=1024 | The maximum number of records in a message block. The default value is 1024. |
maxPersistenceQueueDepth= 10000000 | The maximum depth (number of records) of a message queue to persist a stream table to disk. The default value is 10,000,000. |
maxPubQueueDepthPerSite= 10000000 | The maximum depth (number of records) of a message queue on the publisher node. The default value is 10,000,000. |
maxPubConnections=0 | The maximum number of subscriber nodes that the publisher node can connect to. The default value is 0. For the node to server as a publisher, we must set maxPubConnections>0. |
Subscriber Node
The following parameters can be configured on the subscriber node:
Parameter | Description |
subPort=8000 | The port number that the subscription thread is listening on. Before version 2.00.9, this parameter must be specified to enable the node(s) to serve as subscriber(s). Since version 2.00.9, this parameter can be unspecified. |
maxSubConnections=64 | The maximum number of publisher nodes that the subscriber node can connect to. The default value is 64. |
maxSubQueueDepth= 10000000 | The maximum depth (number of records) of a message queue on the subscriber node. The default value is 10,000,000. |
subExecutorPooling=false | A Boolean value indicating whether streaming executors use pooling mode. The default value is false. If it is set to 0, it means the thread can conduct message parsing and can also process messages. |
subExecutors=1 | The number of message processing threads in the subscriber node. Only when subscription is enabled is this parameter relevant. The default value is 1. If it is set to 0, it means the thread can conductmessage parsing and can also process messages. |
subThrottle=1000 | A non-negative integer in milliseconds,
indicating the interval at which the system checks whether
throttle in function subscribeTable has been
reached. The default value is 1000. If the interval specified by
the parameter throttle in subscribeTable is
less than the configuration parameter subThrottle, the parameter
handler in subscribeTable will be triggered to
process messages at an interval of subThrottle. To set
throttle is less than 1 second, you need to modify
the configuration parameter subThrottle first. For
example, to set throttle =0.001 (second), please set
subThrottle =1 first. Note: This parameter is only
valid if the parameter batchSize is specified in function
subscribeTable . |
localSubscriberNum=1 | Sets the number of threads used to distribute the messages from the publish queue if the publisher and subscriber are on the same node. The default value is 1. If a number greater than 1 is specified, the system will allocate the threads to distribute messages in parallel to the processing threads. |
If a subscriber crashes while consuming streaming data, it may lose track of the consumption progress upon restart. To solve this issue, the offset of the subscribed consumption data can be persisted to disk through the persistenceOffsetDir parameter.
Parameter | Description |
persistenceOffsetDir=/home/DolphinDB/streamlog | The directory where the offset of consumption data from the subscriber is persisted to. If persistenceOffsetDir is unspecified but persistenceDir is specified, the offset is saved in persistenceDir. If neither is specified, the offset is saved in /home/DolphinDB/streamlog. |
High Availability
Streaming data persistence of publishers must be initiated before enabling HA stream tables. DolphinDB utilizes the Raft groups consisted of data nodes for HA streaming.
Parameter | Description |
streamingHAMode=raft | Enable high-availability for streaming. |
streamingRaftGroups = 2:NODE1:NODE2:NODE3,3:NODE3:NODE4:NODE5 | Information about raft groups. Each raft group is represented by group ID and aliases of data nodes in the group, separated with colon (:). Raft group ID must be an integer greater than 1. Each raft group has at least 3 data nodes. Use comma (,) to seperate multiple raft groups. |
streamingHADir=<HomeDir>/log/streamLog | The directory to keep streaming raft log files. The default value is <HomeDir>/log/streamLog. Each data node should be configured with different streamingHADir. |
streamingHAPurgeInterval=300 | The interval to garbage collect raft logs in seconds. The increase of raft logs may affect the replay efficiency in case of node recovery. The Raft protocol implements log truncation using checkpoints. Note that the performance may be affected by the checkpoint operations: Frequent checkpoints may affect the disk bandwidth, while rare checkpoints may cause a large number of logs to be replayed after node startup. The default value is 300. |
SQL Queries
In a cluster setup, when a user initiates a query on a DFS table from a connected node (coordinator), the coordinator splits the query based on the partitions involved and maps the subqueries to the relevant nodes. If the number of partitions or the volume of data is excessively large, memory overflow may occur when summarizing the data. To prevent this issue, the following parameters can be configured:
Parameter | Description | Node |
maxPartitionNumPerQuery=65536 | The maximum number of partitions that a single query can search. The default value is 65536. | data node/compute node |
checkExistingPartitionNumForQuery | Whether to use the number of existing partitions obtained from the controller to check if the number of partitions for a single query exceeds the maximum (configured by maxPartitionNumPerQuery). False (default) means that the number of partitions set in partitioning scheme is used. | data node/compute node |
memLimitOfQueryResult | The memory limit for a query result. The default value is min(50% * maxMemSize, 8G), and it must be smaller than 80% * maxMemSize. | data node/compute node |
memLimitOfTaskGroupResult | In the Map phase of MapReduce, a single query is divided into several tasks, among which the remote tasks are sent to remote nodes in batches (task groups). The configuration parameter is used to set the memory limit of a task group sent from the current node. The default value is min(20% * maxMemSize, 2G),and it must be smaller than 50% * maxMemSize. | data node/compute node |
memLimitOfTempResult=1 | Note: This configuration is
deprecated since 2.00.13/3.00.1 version. Please use
memLimitOfAllTempResults instead. Specifies
the maximum memory usage (in GB) for each temporary result generated
during SQL distributed queries. The default value is 1. The maximum
value is capped by the maxMemSize parameter. If a temporary
result exceeds the specified memory limit, it is spilled to disk in
the directory specified by tempResultsSpillDir. Temporary
files are automatically deleted after query completion. |
data node/compute node |
tempResultsSpillDir=tempResults | Specifies the directory for storing temporary results generated during distributed queries when they exceed memory limits. The default directory is <HomeDir>/tempResults. Temporary results exceeding the memory limit (specified by memLimitOfAllTempResults) are spilled to the directory. Files are automatically deleted after query completion. Note: This directory is recreated after server reboot, deleting any existing contents. | data node/compute node |
memLimitOfAllTempResults |
Specifies the total memory limit (in GB) for all temporary results generated during SQL distributed queries. The default value is 20% * maxMemSize. If the memory usage exceeds the limit, temporary results are spilled to disk. | data node/compute node |
Database and Table
Parameter | Description |
enableChunkGranularityConfig=false | Specifies the chunk granularity to determine the
level of the lock of a DolphinDB transaction. When writing to a
chunk, the transaction locks it to prevent other transactions from
writing to it. Before version 1.30.16/2.00.4, the chunk granularity
is set at the database level, i.e., each partition in the database
is a chunk. In this case, concurrent writes to different tablets in
the same partition are not allowed. This configuration parameter was
released with version 1.30.16/2.00.4. The default value is false,
which indicates the chunk granularity is at the table level, i.e.,
each tablet of a partition is a chunk. Concurrent writes to
different tables in the same partition are thus allowed. If it is
set to true, you can specify the chunk granularity with the
parameter chunkGranularity of function
database . |
newValuePartitionPolicy=skip | Specifies how new data outside of existing VALUE
partitions are handled in databases. It can be "add", "skip", or
oldChunkVersionRetentionTime= 60 | Sets the retention time (in minutes) for the old chunk versions. The upper limit is 240. When SQL update/upsert/delete is executed, the system generates a new replica of the chunk (named by "table_name_tid") to perform the update and delete operations. Each old chunk will be retained in the system for the specified retention time, and a maximum of 5 old chunks can be kept at the same time. |
allowMissingPartitions=true | Specifies the behavior when incoming data contains new partition values that do not match any existing partitions. true (default) means to write the data that belongs to existing partitions and ignore the out-of-scope data. false means not to write any incoming data to the database and throw an exception. Note: For VALUE partitions where newValuePartitionPolicy is set to "add" or "fail", data will be handled based on the corresponding rules. In those cases, allowMissingPartitions does not take effect. |
enableLocalDatabase=true | A Boolean value indicating whether to enable the creation of a local database. The default value is true. Once configured, it takes effect for all nodes in the cluster. |
enableInsertStatementForDFSTable |
Whether to enable the |
enableConcurrentDimensionalTableWrite =false | Whether to allow conducting concurrent write or update/delete on dimension tables. The default value is false, indicating concurrent write and update/delete is disabled for dimension tables. |
removeSpecialCharInColumnName=false | Whether to allow column names to contain special
characters or to start without a letter. The default value is false,
which can be used to remove the special characters in the column
names generated by pivot by . Specify the value as
true to be compatible with version 1.30.14 and before. |
maxJoinTaskRetry | A positive integer specifying the maximum retry attempts for a single SQL JOIN task under memory pressure. The default value is 2147483647, indicating unlimited retries. Once the maxJoinTaskRetry limit is reached, the SQL query containing the task will be canceled. |
Each persisted MVCC table has a log file. Operations (including adding, deleting and
modifying) on an MVCC table are first written to the log. When the number of
operations reaches mvccCheckpointThreshold, a log checkpoint is initiated,
where the operations are performed on the table and the log is cleared. Note that
when you load an MVCC table with loadMvccTable
, the log file needs
to be replayed. If the amount of data in the log is too large, it may take a long
time to replay, or even result in an OOM event. To solve this issue, the
mvccCheckpointThreshold parameter can be specified to control the amount
of data in the log.
Parameter | Description |
mvccCheckpointThreshold =5000000 | Sets the threshold for the number of operations on an MVCC table
to trigger a checkpoint. The value can be set in [100,000, 2^31-1],
and the default value is 5,000,000. The number of operations on an
MVCC table are counted as below:
Parameter | Description |
TSDBRedoLogDir=<HomeDir>/log/TSDBRedo | The directory of the redo log of TSDB engine. The default value is <HomeDir>/log/TSDBRedo. In cluster mode, it is necessary to ensure that different TSDBRedoLogDir are configured on the data nodes of the same machine. |
TSDBMeta (including level file metadata) is stored in <HomeDir>/log, and transaction data is stored in <HomeDir>/storage/CHUNKS. To configure this parameter:
- Use the relative paths, i.e., do not start with '/';
- Include <ALIAS> in the path: /home/xxx/<ALIAS>/redolog;
- Configure for each node separately: node1.TSDBRedoLogDir=/home/xxx/node1/redolog, node2.TSDBRedoLogDir=/home/xxx/node2/redolog.
The TSDB engine caches SYMBOL base during read/write operations. An LRU (Least Recently Used) policy is employed to manage this cache, with two configuration parameters determining when to evict SYMBOL base cache based on time or capacity limits. Only SYMBOL base entries absent from both the cache engine and ongoing transactions will be evicted based on LRU.
Parameter | Description | Node |
TSDBSymbolBaseEvictTime=3600 | A positive integer indicating the maximum amount of time (in seconds) to keep cached SYMBOL base entries before they are evicted. The default value is 3600. When exceeded, the system evicts the cached SYMBOL base entries. | data node |
TSDBCachedSymbolBaseCapacity | A positive number indicating the maximum capacity (in GB) for cached SYMBOL base. The default value is 5% of maxMemSize, with a 128MB minimum. When exceeded, the system evicts the entries that hasn't been accessed for the longest period first, until the cache size meets the limit. | data node |
TSDBCacheEngineSize | A positive number indicating the capacity (in GB) of the TSDB cache engine. The default value is 1. The memory used by the cache engine may reach twice the set value as an extra memoryblock will be allocated to cache the incoming data while data in the original memory is being flushed to disk. If the flush process is not fast enough, the newly allocated memory may also reach TSDBCacheEngineSize and thus block the writer thread. If the parameter is set too small, data in the cache engine may be flushed to disk too frequently, thus affecting the write performance; If set too high, a large volume of cached data is not flushed to disk until it reaches TSDBCacheEngineSize (or after 10 minutes). If power failure or shutdownoccurs in such cases, numerous redo logs are to be replayed when the system is restarting, causing a slow startup. |
In the TSDB engine, the data writing process involves three stages: sorting, compaction, and flushing. The following parameters can be specified to configure the data writing process:
Parameter | Description |
TSDBAsyncSortingWorkerNum=1 | A non-negative integer indicating the number of threads for asynchronous sorting in the TSDB cache engine. The default value is 1. Data written to the TSDB cache engine are sorted by sortColumns. The tasks of writing and sorting data can be processed either synchronously or asynchronously and the asynchronous mode optimizes writing performance. Set it to 0 to enable the synchronous mode. |
TSDBCacheTableBufferThreshold=16384 | The threshold for batch sorting cached data in the TSDB engine. Once the number of cached records reaches TSDBCacheTableBufferThreshold, the cache engine initiates the sorting. |
TSDBCacheFlushWorkNum | The number of threads for the flushing process of the TSDB cache engine. The default value is the number of disk volumes configured by parameter volumes. If volumes is less than the number of disk volumes, TSDBCacheFlushWorkNum is set to default. |
TSDBLevelFileIndexCacheSize=5% * maxMemSize | The upper limit of the size (in GB) of level file metadata of the TSDB engine. It is of floating type. The default value is 5% of the maximum memory for DolphinDB (set by maxMemSize), and the minimum value is 0.1 (GB). If exceeded, the system replaces the least frequently accessed indices based on access time. |
TSDBLevelFileIndexCacheInvalidPercent=0.95 | The threshold for caching algorithm for the level file index in the TSDB engine. The default value is 0.95. |
allowTSDBLevel3Compaction=false | Whether to allow compaction of level 3 files of TSDB
storage engine.
TSDBVectorIndexCacheSize=0 | The TSDB engine caches vector indexes to improve the query performance. The cache size can be set using the configuration parameter TSDBVectorIndexCacheSize. It is a non-negative floating-point number specifying the size of the vector index cache in GB. To enable the cache, set TSDBVectorIndexCacheSize to a positive number. The default value is 0, indicating that the cache is disabled. |
compactWorkerNumPerVolume=1 | The size of worker pool for the level file compaction on each volume. The default value is 1. This parameter is added since version 2.00.11 to control over resource usage, compaction speeds, and load balancing across volumes. |
Parameter | Description |
redoLogDir=/log/redoLog | The directory of the redo log of OLAP engine. The default value is /log/redoLog. In cluster mode, it is necessary to ensure that different redoLogDir are configured on the data nodes of the same machine. |
OLAPCacheEngineSize=0 Alias:chunkCacheEngineMemSize | The capacity of cache engine in units of GB. After cache engine is enabled, data is not written to disk until data in cache exceeds 30% of OLAPCacheEngineSize. The default value is 0 indicating the cache engine is not enabled. To enable the cache engine, we must set OLAPCacheEngineSize > 0 and dataSync = 1. |
Parameter | Description |
enablePKEYEngine | A Boolean value that determines whether to enable the PKEY engine. The default value is true. |
PKEYMetaLogDir | A string that specifies the path where the PKEY meta log files will be stored. The default value is <ALIAS>/log/PKEYMeta. |
PKEYRedoLogDir | A string that specifies the path where the PKEY redo log files will be stored. The default value is <ALIAS>/log/PKEYRedo. |
PKEYCacheEngineSize | A positive number indicating the capacity (in GB) of the PKEY cache engine. The default value is 1. The memory used by the cache engine may reach twice the set value as an extra memory block will be allocated to cache the incoming data while data in the original memory is being flushed to disk. If the flush process is not fast enough, the newly allocated memory may also reach PKEYCacheEngineSize and thus block the writer thread. If the parameter is set too small, data in the cache engine may be flushed to disk too frequently, thus affecting the write performance; If set too high, a large volume of cached data is not flushed to disk until it reaches PKEYCacheEngineSize (or after 10 minutes). If power failure or shutdown occurs in such cases, numerous redo logs are to be replayed when the system is restarting, causing a slow startup. |
PKEYBlockCacheSize | A positive number indicating the capacity (in GB) of the PKEY block cache. The default value is 1. |
PKEYDeleteBitmapUpdateThreshold | A positive number indicating the buffer size threshold (in MB) for updating the PKEY delete bitmap. The default value is 100. The process of updating the PKEY delete bitmap occurs asynchronously in batches as a background operation. During the flushing process, the system extracts and temporarily stores the primary key and CID of the data in a buffer. This buffer is used to trigger updates to the delete bitmap. When this buffer reaches the size specified by PKEYDeleteBitmapUpdateThreshold, thedelete bitmap is updated and the buffer is cleared. This parameter should be set appropriately. If set too small, the delete bitmap will be updated too frequently, consuming excessive disk bandwidth. This can negatively impact queries, cache engine flushing, and level file compaction. If set too large, the de-duplication process during queries becomes more resource-intensive, potentially increasing query time. The system recovery process after a reboot may be significantly slower. |
PKEYStashedPrimaryKeyBufferSize | A positive number indicating the buffer size (in MB) for the PKEY engine. The default value is 1024. Under excessive write load, frequent disk flushing and delayed buffer clearing due to slow delete bitmap updates will result in the buffer to grow continuously. The buffer size may reach twice the set value. This parameter serves as a safeguard against potential OOM issues that could arise from an indefinitely growing staging buffer during periods of high write activity. |
PKEYBackgroundWorkerPerVolume | The size of worker pool for the PKEY level file compaction and delete bitmap updates on each volume. The default and minimum value is 1. |
PKEYCacheFlushWorkerNumPerVolume | The size of worker pool for the PKEY cache engine flushing on each volume. The default and minimum value is 1. |
Parameter | Description |
enableIMOLTPEngine | A Boolean value that determines whether to enable the IMOLTP engine. The default value is false. |
enableIMOLTPRedo | A Boolean value that determines whether to enable redo log mechanism for IMOLTP databases. The default value is true. |
IMOLTPRedoFilePath | A string that specifies the path where the redo log files will be stored. If a relative path is provided, the redo log files will be located under the <homeDir>/IMOLTP/ directory. The default value is <homeDir>/IMOLTP/im_oltp.redo. Note that the path must exist and be unique. |
IMOLTPSyncOnTxnCommit | This parameter only takes effect when enableIMOLTPRedo = true. It is a Boolean value that determines whether a transaction should be committed after the data is safely persisted to redo log files on disk. The default value is false, which means the transaction is committed after redo log is written to system buffer instead of disk. In cases of power outages or operating system crashes, data cannot be restored if it is false. |
enableIMOLTPCheckpoint | A Boolean value that determines whether to enable checkpoint mechanism for IMOLTP databases. The default value is true. |
IMOLTPCheckpointFilePath | A string that specifies the path where the checkpoint files will be stored. If a relative path is provided, the checkpoint files will be located under the <homeDir>/IMOLTP/ directory. The default value is <homeDir>/IMOLTP/im_oltp.ckp. Note that the path must exist and be unique. |
IMOLTPCheckpointThreshold | A LONG integer that sets the threshold for the redo logs (in MiB) to trigger a checkpoint. The default value is 100. |
IMOLTPCheckpointInterval | A LONG integer that sets the interval (in seconds) to trigger a checkpoint. The default value is 60. |
Tiered Storage
For more information, see Tiered Storage.
To enable tiered storage, configure the storage path for cold data first.
Parameter | Description |
coldVolumes= [file://home/mypath/hdd](file://home/mypath/hdd), s3://bucket1/data | Configures the storage path of cold data. After the tiered storage is enabled with functions moveHotDataToColdVolume and setRetentionPolicy, cold data will be moved from volumes to coldVolumes. |
To store expired data in the cloud, DolphinDB provides the following AWS configurations.
Parameters | Description |
s3AccessKeyId | ID of an Amazon S3 account |
s3SecretAccessKey | Secret access key of an Amazon S3 account |
s3Region | Region of an Amazon S3 bucket |
s3Endpoint | Endpoint to access Amazon S3 |
When configuring s3Endpoint, you can add a BOOLEAN value after the endpoint to indicate whether to access the endpoint via HTTP protocol (true) or HTTPS protocol (false, default). For example,
indicates accessing via HTTP protocol. -
With s3Endpoint configured, it is not necessary to configure s3Region.
Performance and Resource Monitoring
Parameter | Description |
perfMonitoring=1 | Whether to enable performance monitoring. The default value is false for the standalone mode and true for the cluster mode. |
After performance monitoring is enabled, users can get the descriptive information about the SQL queries with functions getCompletedQueries and getRunningQueries. They can also get the performance information about the system with functions getSystemCpuUsage and getSystemLoadAvg.
DolphinDB supports tracking resource usage at the user level on data nodes or compute nodes, including CPU and memory usage. It also supports monitoring operations on DFS tables, including the number of SQL queries on DFS tables, the number of rows read and the amount of data processed. The following parameters can be specified to configure these features as needed:
Parameter | Description | Node |
resourceSamplingInterval=-1 | An integer (in seconds) specifying the sampling interval of resource monitoring. The default value is -1, indicating resource tracking is disabled. To enable resource sampling, a positive integer must be set. | data node/compute node |
resourceSamplingMaxLogSize=1024 | A positive integer (in MB) specifying the maximum size threshold of the resource sampling log. The default value is 1024. Log rotation is applied to split the log once it reaches the specified size. The generated file name is prefixed with its generation timestamp. For example, the file 20231101162302_access.log is generated at 2023.11.01T16:23:02. | data node/compute node |
resourceSamplingLogRetentionTime=-1 | An integer (in days) specifying the maximum retention period for the resource sampling logs. The default value -1 means logs never expire. | data node/compute node |
resourceSamplingLogDir=<HomeDir>/resource |
A string specifying the directory storing the resource sampling logs. The default value is <HomeDir>/resource. | data node/compute node |
Compatibility Configuration
The following parameters can be specified to unify the format, rules, and other compatibility details in various scenarios.
Parameter | Description | Release Version |
decimalRoundingMode=trunc | Specifies the rounding mode for DECIMAL type. The
default is trunc, meaning the decimal part is truncated. Set it to
round to round the decimal part. It is applicable to the following
conversion scenarios:
Note: Since version 2.00.10, the rounding
mode for the first case was changed from truncation to rounding.
For other scenarios, truncation was used. |
2.00.12 |
ignoreSpecialCharacterInPartitionId =true | A Boolean value specifying whether to ignore ":" and "." in partitioning columns when creating partition directories for value-partitioned tables with partitioning columns of STRING or SYMBOL type. The default value is true, which matches the behavior before version 2.00.11/1.30.23. For example, by default, keys like ".a:bc." and "abc" of the partitioning column will map to the same directory path since ":" and "." are ignored. So data written to partitions ".a:bc." and "abc" will both end up being stored under "abc". If set to false, "." and ":" will be included as part of the path, which means data written to the ".a:bc." and "abc" partitions will be separated into different paths. | 2.00.11 |
ignoreSpecialCharacterInPartitionId =true | A Boolean value specifying whether to ignore ":" and "." in partitioning columns when creating partition directories for value-partitioned tables with partitioning columns of STRING or SYMBOL type. The default value is true, which matches the behavior before version 2.00.11/1.30.23. For example, by default, keys like ".a:bc." and "abc" of the partitioning column will map to the same directory path since ":" and "." are ignored. So data written to partitions ".a:bc." and "abc" will both end up being stored under "abc". If set to false, "." and ":" will be included as part of the path, which means data written to the ".a:bc." and "abc" partitions will be separated into different paths. | 2.00.11 |
ignoreSpecialCharacterInPartitionId =true | A Boolean value specifying whether to ignore ":" and "." in partitioning columns when creating partition directories for value-partitioned tables with partitioning columns of STRING or SYMBOL type. The default value is true, which matches the behavior before version 2.00.11/1.30.23. For example, by default, keys like ".a:bc." and "abc" of the partitioning column will map to the same directory path since ":" and "." are ignored. So data written to partitions ".a:bc." and "abc" will both end up being stored under "abc". If set to false, "." and ":" will be included as part of the path, which means data written to the ".a:bc." and "abc" partitions will be separated into different paths. | 2.00.11 |
parseDecimalAsFloatingNumber =true | Specifieswhether decimal numbers are parsed to
| |
enableNullSafeJoin=false | Specifies whether to match null values in join
columns when performing JOIN operations (including left
join , left semi join , right
join , equi join and full
join ).
2.00.10 |
logicOrIgnoreNull=true | Specifies whether function or
ignores null values. When set to true (default):
| |
nullAsMinValueForComparison=true | Specifies whether a null value is treated as the minimum value in data comparison. The default value is true. If it is set to false, the result of comparison involving null values is NULL. For prior versions, all null values are treated as the minimum value. | 2.00.5 |
removeSpecialCharInColumnName=false | Specifies whether to normalize column names.
1.30.14/2.00.2 |
appendTupleAsAWhole | Specifies how a tuple is appended
(append! ) or joined (join! ) to
another tuple. True (default): append or join the tuple as an
embedded tuple element. False: append or join each element of the
tuple independently. |