

linearInterpolateFit(X, Y, [fillValue], [sorted=false])


X is a numeric vector indicating the x-coordinates of the points for interpolation. Note that X must contain no less than two unique values with no null values.

Y is a numeric vector indicating the y-coordinates of the points for interpolation. Note that Y must be of the same length as X with no null values.

fillValue (optional) specifies how to assign values for the x-coordinate of the points outside the existing data range. The following options are supported:

  • A numeric pair in the form (min, max), where min and max represent the values assigned when the x-coordinate of the point Xnew is smaller than the minimum of X or larger than the maximum of X, respectively. Specifically:
    • If Xnew < Xmin, it is assigned below.
    • If Xnew > Xmax, it is assigned above.
  • The string "extrapolate" (default), which indicates that extrapolation is performed.

sorted (optional) is a Boolean scalar indicating whether the input X is sorted in ascending order.

  • If set to true, X must be in ascending order.
  • If set to false (default), the function will sort X and adjust the order of Y accordingly.


Perform linear interpolation/extrapolation on a set of points. Interpolation estimates unknown values that fall between known data points, while extrapolation estimates values beyond the existing data range.

Return value: A dictionary containing the following keys:

  • modelName: A string indicating the model name, which is "linearInterpolate".
  • sortedX: A DOUBLE vector indicating the input Xsorted in ascending order.
  • sortedY: A DOUBLE vector indicating the input Y sorted corresponding to sortedX.
  • fillValue: The input fillValue.
  • predict: The prediction function of the model, which returns linear interpolation results. It can be called using model.predict(X) or predict(model, X), where:
    • model: A dictionary indicating the output of linearInterpolateFit.
    • X: A numeric vector indicating the x-coordinates of the points to be predicted.


def linspace(start, end, num, endpoint=true){
	if(endpoint) return end$DOUBLE\(num-1), start + end$DOUBLE\(num-1)*0..(num-1)
	else return start + (end-start)$DOUBLE\(num)*0..(num-1)	
x = 0..9
y = exp(-x/3.0)
model = linearInterpolateFit(x, y, sorted=true)


// Enter new values of X to predict the corresponding Y values
