

bucket(vector, dataRange, bucketNum, [includeOutbound=false])


vector is a numeric or temporal vector.

dataRange is a pair indicating the data range, which includes the lower bound and excludes the upper bound.

bucketNum is the number of buckets. The number of elements of the input vector that belong to dataRange must be a multiple of bucketNum.

includeOutbound (optional) is a Boolean value indicating whether to include the bucket below the lower bound of the data range and the bucket beyond the upper bound of the data range. The default value is false.


Return a vector with the same length as the input vector. Each element of the result indicates which bucket each of the elements of the input vector belongs to, based on the bucket classification rules given by dataRange and bucketNum.

For example, if dataRange is 0:10, bucketNum is 2, and includeOutbound is unspecified, we have two buckets: [0, 5) and [5,10). Any value <0 or >=10 will be coded as a null integer. If includeOutbound is set to be true, the example above will generate 4 buckets: <0, [0, 5), [5,10), >=10.


bucket(9 23 54 36 46 12, 12:54, 2);
// output: [,0,,1,1,0]

bucket(9 23 54 36 46 12, 12:54, 2, 1);
// output: [0,1,3,2,2,1]