

atImin(location, value)


location and value are vectors/matrices/tables of the same dimensions.


Find the position of the element with the smallest value in location, and return the value of the element in the same position in value. If there are multiple identical minimums in location, return the position of the first minimum.

If location and value are matrices, conduct the aforementioned calculation with each column of location and the corresponding column of value.

atImin(location, value) is equivalent to value[imin(location)].


atImin(3 5 1 2, 9 7 5 3)
// output: 5

m1=matrix(9 2 1 5 6 9, 3 1 3 NULL 5 2, 2 8 1 2 3 4)
m2=matrix(1..6, 1..6, 1..6)
// output: [3,2,3]

Related functions: imin, atImax