
Note: This function is not supported by Community Edition. You can get a trial of Shark from DolphinDB official website.


addGpFunction(engine, func)


engine is the engine object returned by createGPLearnEngine.

func is a user-defined function. Currently it does not support complex assignment, if or for statement. Only return statement can be used to return a combination of the training functions (see Appendix for supported functions). For example:
def f(x, y){
  return cos(x+y)


Add a user-defined training function to the GPLearn engine.


def f(x, y){
  return cos(x+y)


The following table lists available functions for building and evolving formulas.

Function Description
add(x,y) Addition
sub(x,y) Subtraction
mul(x,y) Multiplication
div(x,y) Division. If the absolute value of the divisor is less than 0.001, returns 1.
max(x,y) Maximum value
min(x,y) Minimum value
sqrt(x) Square root of the absolute value
log(x) Logarithm. If x is less than 0.001, returns 0.
neg(x) Negation
reciprocal(x) Reciprocal. If the absolute value of x is less than 0.001, returns 0.
abs(x) Absolute value
sin(x) Sine function
cos(x) Cosine function
tan(x) Tangent function
sig(x) Sigmoid function
signum(x) Returns the sign of x
mcovar(x, y, n) Covariance of x and y within a sliding window of size n
mcorr(x, y, n) Correlation of x and y within a sliding window of size n
mstd(x, n) Sample standard deviation of x within a sliding window of size n
mmax(x, n) Maximum value of x within a sliding window of size n
mmin(x, n) Minimum value of x within a sliding window of size n
msum(x, n) Sum of x within a sliding window of size n
mavg(x, n) Average of x within a sliding window of size n
mprod(x, n) Product of x within a sliding window of size n
mvar(x, n) Sample variance of x within a sliding window of size n
mvarp(x, n) Population variance of x within a sliding window of size n
mstdp(x, n) Population standard deviation of x within a sliding window of size n
mimin(x, n) Index of the minimum value of x within a sliding window of size n
mimax(x, n) Index of the maximum value of x within a sliding window of size n
mbeta(x, y, n) Least-squares estimate of the regression coefficient of x on y within a window of size n
mwsum(x, y, n) Iner product of x and y within a sliding window of size n
mwavg(x, y, n) Weighted average of x with y as weights within a sliding window of size n
mfirst(x,n) First element of the window of size n
mlast(x,n) Last element of the window of size n
mrank(x,asc, n) Rank of x within the sliding window of size n
ratios(x) Returns the value of x(n)/x(n−1)x(n) / x(n-1)
deltas(x) Returns the value of x(n)−x(n−1)x(n) - x(n-1)
Note: For moving window operators (such as mmax(x, n)), the parameter n, which represents the window size, is randomly selected from the windowRange vector specified in the createGPLearnEngine function. In the following example, the training process randomly selects a value from [7,14,21] as the window size.
engine = createGPLearnEngine(source, predVec, windowRange=[7,14,21])