Trading Calendar
Trading calendar is a frequently used tool for data analysis, which helps to quickly obtain exchange calendars and perform calculations based on trading calendars. Starting from version 2.00.9/1.30.21, DolphinDB provides built-in trading calendars of more than fifty exchanges. Refer to Release for information on the latest calendars.
This tutorial describes how to use and customize trading calendars in DolphinDB. Specifically: check trading days; perform calculations based on trading calendars; create your own trading calendars; update trading calendars.
1. Use Trading Calendars
The built-in trading calendars can be used for various scenarios.
- Starting from version 1.30.23/2.00.11, multiple trading days frequency is supported for functions transFreq, asFreq, and resample with the number specified before the trading calendar identifier in rule.
- Starting from version, trading calendar, specified as "integers + identifiers", can be used and calculated as DURATION data.
1.1. Check Trading Days
You can use function getMarketCalendar(marketName, [startDate], [endDate])
to get trading days of the corresponding exchange in the date range determined by startDate and endDate.
To check the trading days of New York Stock Exchange (XNYS) between 2022.1.1 and 2022.1.10:
getMarketCalendar("XNYS",2022.01.01, 2022.01.10)
// output: [2022.01.03,2022.01.04,2022.01.05,2022.01.06,2022.01.07,2022.01.10]
1.2. Create the DateOffset of Trading Days
To shift a trading day forward or backward, you can use function temporalAdd(date, duration, exchangeId)
Take XNYS for example, we add two trading days to the dates between 2023.1.1 and 2023.1.6:
dates=[2023.01.01, 2023.01.02, 2023.01.03, 2023.01.04, 2023.01.05, 2023.01.06]
// output: [2023.01.04,2023.01.04,2023.01.05,2023.01.06,2023.01.09,2023.01.10]
Or you can also use the following script if you use version or higher. For detailed usage of trading calendar as DURATION type, refer to section "Use Trading Days as DURATION Type".
dates=[2023.01.01, 2023.01.02, 2023.01.03, 2023.01.04, 2023.01.05, 2023.01.06]
temporalAdd(dates, 2XNYS)
1.3. Obtain the Closest Trading Day
You can get the closest trading day of a certain day with function transFreq(X,rule)
For example, specify parameter rule as XNYS. We can get the closest trading days of each date between 2023.1.1 and 2023.1.6:
dates=[2023.01.01, 2023.01.02, 2023.01.03, 2023.01.04, 2023.01.05, 2023.01.06]
// output: [2022.12.30,2022.12.30,2023.01.03,2023.01.04,2023.01.05,2023.01.06]
1.4. Data Sampling Based on Trading Days
You can choose functions asFreq(X,rule)
or resample(X,rule,func)
to sample data on trading days. The only difference of the two lies in whether data can be aggregated.
Function asFreq(X,rule)
will return the result by trading days. If there are multiple records in the same trading day, only the first value will be taken. If there is no data in a trading day, it will be filled with null values.
The following example obtains the stock prices of XNYS in trading days from 2022.12.30 to 2023.1.6:
timestampv = [2022.12.30T23:00:00.000,2023.01.01T00:00:00.000,2023.01.03T00:10:00.000,2023.01.03T00:20:00.000,2023.01.04T00:20:00.000,2023.01.04T00:30:00.000,2023.01.06T00:40:00.000]
close = [100.10, 100.10, 100.10, 78.89, 88.99, 88.67, 78.78]
s=indexedSeries(timestampv, close)
/* output:
Function resample(X,rule,func)
will return the aggregated result of data sampled by trading days.
In the following example, we obtain the closing prices of XNYS stocks in trading days from 2022.12.30 to 2023.1.6:
timestampv = [2022.12.30T23:00:00.000,2023.01.01T00:00:00.000,2023.01.03T00:10:00.000,2023.01.03T00:20:00.000,2023.01.04T00:20:00.000,2023.01.04T00:30:00.000,2023.01.06T00:40:00.000]
close = [100.10, 100.10, 100.10, 78.89, 88.99, 88.67, 78.78]
s=indexedSeries(timestampv, close)
s.resample("XNYS", last)
/* output:
1.5. Use Trading Days as DURATION Type (Only for Server 200)
Starting from version, trading calendar, specified as "integers + identifiers", can be used as DURATION data.
1.5.1. Convert Trading Days to DURATION Type
Trading days of DURATION type can be specified by converting a string of trading calendar identifier with theduration
Take XNYS for example, we can convert string "2XNYS" to DURATION type and query the average closing price every two trading days with interval
y = duration("2XNYS")
date = [2022.12.30, 2023.01.03, 2023.01.04, 2023.01.05, 2023.01.06]
close = [100.10, 78.89, 88.99, 88.67, 78.78]
t = table(date, close)
select avg(close) from t group by interval(date, y, "prev")
/* output:
| interval_date | avg_close
0 | 2022.12.30 | 89.495
1 | 2023.01.04 | 88.83
2 | 2023.01.06 | 78.78
1.5.2. Trading Days as Windows for wj
The window parameter of wj
now can be specified as trading calendar identifiers.
The following example performs the window join operation on "t1" and "t2" and obtain the average closing price over each window [-2XNYS:0XNYS]:
t1 = table(2023.01.03 2023.01.06 as date)
date = [2022.12.30, 2023.01.03, 2023.01.04, 2023.01.05, 2023.01.06]
close = [100.10, 78.89, 88.99, 88.67, 78.78]
t2 = table(date, close)
wj(t1, t2, -2XNYS:0XNYS, <avg(close)>, `date);
/* output:
| date | avg_close
0 | 2023.01.03 | 89.495
1 | 2023.01.06 | 85.48
1.5.3. Trading Days as Sliding Windows
The trading days can be used for measuring sliding windows for the moving, time-based moving, twindow
, and tmovingWindowData
Moving Functions
Take msum
as an example, we obtain the sum of closing prices of an XNYS stock every two trading days:
date = [2022.12.30, 2023.01.03, 2023.01.04, 2023.01.05, 2023.01.06]
close = [100.10, 78.89, 88.99, 88.67, 78.78]
X1 = indexedSeries(date, close)
msum(X1, window=2XNYS)
/* output:
Time-based Moving Functions
Take tmavg
for example, we obtain the average closing prices of an XNYS stock every two trading days:
date = [2022.12.30, 2023.01.03, 2023.01.04, 2023.01.05, 2023.01.06]
close = [100.10, 78.89, 88.99, 88.67, 78.78]
t = table(date, close)
select tmavg(date, close, 2XNYS) from t
/* output:
| tmavg_date
0 | 100.1
1 | 89.495
2 | 83.94
3 | 88.83
4 | 83.725
Function twindow
The following example calculates the average closing price of an XNYS stock over each window [-1XNYS:2XNYS]:
date = [2022.12.30, 2023.01.03, 2023.01.04, 2023.01.05, 2023.01.06]
close = [100.10, 78.89, 88.99, 88.67, 78.78]
t = table(date, close)
select twindow(avg, close, date, -1XNYS:2XNYS) from t
/* output:
| twindow_avg
0 | 89.327
1 | 89.163
2 | 83.833
3 | 85.48
4 | 83.725
Function tmovingWindowData
The following example returns an array vector where each row indicates the closing prices of each window (i.e., two trading days).
date = [2022.12.30, 2023.01.03, 2023.01.04, 2023.01.05, 2023.01.06]
close = [100.10, 78.89, 88.99, 88.67, 78.78]
tmovingWindowData(date, close, 2XNYS)
// output: [[100.1],[100.1, 78.89],[78.89, 88.99],[88.99, 88.67],[88.67, 78.78]]
1.5.4. Shift Elements Based on Trading Days
Use functions move
and tmove
to shift elements based on trading days.
Function move
The following example shifts the closing prices of an XNYS stock to the right for two trading days:
date = [2022.12.30, 2023.01.03, 2023.01.04, 2023.01.05, 2023.01.06]
close = [100.10, 78.89, 88.99, 88.67, 78.78]
X1 = indexedSeries(date, close)
move(X1, 2XNYS)
/* output:
Function tmove
The following example obtains the closing prices from two trading days before the current day.
date = [2022.12.30, 2023.01.03, 2023.01.04, 2023.01.05, 2023.01.06]
close = [100.10, 78.89, 88.99, 88.67, 78.78]
t = table(date, close)
select *, tmove(date, close, 2XNYS) from t
/* output:
| date | close | tmove_date
0 | 2022.12.30 | 100.1 |
1 | 2023.01.03 | 78.89 |
2 | 2023.01.04 | 88.99 | 100.1
3 | 2023.01.05 | 88.67 | 78.89
4 | 2023.01.06 | 78.78 | 88.99
2. Customize Trading Calendars
DolphinDB also allows administrators to customize trading calendars with built-in functions.
Note: Since version 1.30.23/2.00.11, naming the trading calendar identifier with digits is no longer permitted. It must consist of four uppercase letters and cannot be the same as the file name in marketHolidayDir.
2.1. Add a New Trading Calendar
In DolphinDB, the addMarketHoliday
function can be used to add trading calendars. Starting from DolphinDB versions 2.00.12/3.00.0, the function provides the dateType parameter, which specifies the type of the added file from which the trading calendar is generated.:
- When dateType = holidayDate', holiday should be specified as the dates of weekday holidays.
- When dateType = 'tradingDate', holiday should be specified as trading dates.
Note: Each trading calendar can only include one of the two data types above.
2.1.1 Added with Weekday Holidays
Suppose there is an exchange named "XDDB", function addMarketHoliday
can be used to add a new XDDB calendar. A XDDB.csv file will be added to the /marketHoliday/ directory. Weekends are recognized as holidays in DolphinDB by default, therefore, only weekday holidays need to be filled in the file.
Once a new trading calendar has been generated, functions such as getMarketCalendar
can be used directly based on the new calendar:
//set 2023.01.03 (Tue.) and 2023.01.04 (Wed.) as holidays
holiday = 2023.01.03 2023.01.04
//user login
//generate a trading calendar
//get the trading days of the new calendar in a date range
getMarketCalendar("XDDB",2023.01.01, 2023.01.10)
//output: [2023.01.02,2023.01.05,2023.01.06,2023.01.09,2023.01.10]
//output: 2023.01.05
2.1.2 Added with Trading Dates
Since version 2.00.12/3.00.0, DolphinDB has introduced a more flexible approach to trading calendar customization. Previously, weekends were automatically treated as non-trading days, with only holidays being configurable. The new system allows for complete customization of trading days by setting dateType = "tradingDate", enabling users to specify any date as a trading day, including weekends.
For instance, consider a scenario where Saturday, February 8, 2025, becomes a trading day due to schedule adjustments. Using dateType = 'tradingDate', you can create a custom trading calendar that includes this weekend date with the holiday parameter containing all designated trading days.
tradingDates=[2025.02.08, 2025.02.10, 2025.02.11, 2025.02.12, 2025.02.13]
addMarketHoliday(marketName="AAAA", holiday=tradingDates, dateType='tradingDate')
// output
2025.02.08 2025.02.10 2025.02.11 2025.02.12 2025.02.13
To check the type of different trading calendars, you can use the getTradingCalendarType
// output: "tradingDate"
2.2. Update the Trading Calendar
If you want to update the existing calendar of XDDB exchange, function updateMarketHoliday
can be used to reset the holidays.
Note: The file will be overwritten. The original holidays will be replaced with the holidays specified by this function.
The following example resets the dates 2023.03.07 and 2023.03.08 as holidays for the XDDB calendar. Check the next trading day after 2022.01.01 with function temporalAdd
//set 2023.03.07 (Tue.) and 2023.03.08 (Wed.) as holiday
updateMarketHoliday("XDDB",2023.03.07 2023.03.08)
//the original holidays 2023.01.03 and 2023.01.04 are no longer holidays
getMarketCalendar("XDDB",2023.01.01, 2023.01.10)
//As holidays, 2023.03.07 and 2023.03.08 are not included in the trading calendar
getMarketCalendar("XDDB",2023.03.01, 2023.03.10)
Trading calendars require regular updates to match exchange schedules, and DolphinDB maintains these updates accordingly. We ensure all supported trading calendars are extended with the upcoming year's data by December's end. Users can update their trading calendars through two available methods: offline or online updates.
Offline Updates
- First, download the marketHoliday folder.
- Navigate to your <dolphindb>/server directory and replace the existing marketHoliday folder with the new one.
- For cluster deployments, repeat this replacement on all machines. Restart your DolphinDB cluster to apply the changes.
Online Updates
- First, download the marketHoliday folder.
- Place this folder anywhere on your DolphinDB server(s). In cluster environments, place the folder on each machine. To ensure proper verification, remove the original marketHoliday folder from <dolphindb>/server.
- Use the updateMarketHoliday to implement the update. For example, to update 2025's trading calendar, you can execute the following script:
def update_2025_holiday(market_code, old_holiday_dir, new_holiday_dir){
old_holiday_files = exec filename.strReplace(".csv","") from files(old_holiday_dir)
new_holiday_files = exec filename.strReplace(".csv","") from files(new_holiday_dir)
if (!(market_code in new_holiday_files)){
return "There is no market holiday file of the exchange."
this_holiday = loadText(new_holiday_dir+'/'+market_code+".csv")
if (market_code in old_holiday_files){
addMarketHoliday(market_code, this_holiday.col(0))
market_code = "CZCE" // exchange calendar to be updated
old_holiday_dir = "<dolphindb>/server/marketHoliday" // original marketHoliday folder
new_holiday_dir = "<dolphindb>/server/newMarketHoliday" // new marketHoliday folder
update_2025_holiday(market_code, old_holiday_dir, new_holiday_dir)
The update_2025_holiday
function only takes effect on the current node. In a cluster environment, this function can be executed on other nodes using pnodeRun
Note: The online update method does not have consistency mechanisms like read-write locks. To ensure users access the updated trading calendar, it is recommended to use the offline update method.
Verify the Update
To confirm whether the update was successful, you can execute the following script:
2025.01.01 in getMarketCalendar("CZCE",2025.01.01, 2025.12.31)
- If you get true: The calendar hasn't been updated yet.
- If you get false: The update was successful with the new calendar data.
3. Calendar Support
All exchange calendars supported are listed below.
Note that calendars are updated according to the holidays announced on the official website of each exchange and the local governments. Refer to Release for information on the latest calendars.
- Major Stock Exchanges
ISO Code | Exchange | Country | Exchange Website | CSV File Path | Starting from | |
AIXK | Astana International Exchange | Kazakhstan | | marketHoliday/AIXK.csv | 2017 | |
ASEX | Athens Stock Exchange | Greece | | marketHoliday/ASEX.csv | 2004 | |
BVMF | BMF Bovespa | Brazil | | marketHoliday/BVMF.csv | 2004 | |
CCFX | China Finacial Futures Exchange | China | | marketHoliday/CCFX.csv | 2007 | |
CMES | Chicago Mercantile Exchange | USA | | marketHoliday/CMES.csv | 2004 | |
CZCE | Zhengzhou Commodity Exchange | China | | marketHoliday/CZCE.csv | 1991 | |
XDCE | Dalian Commodity Exchange | China | | marketHoliday/XDCE.csv | 1994 | |
IEPA | ICE US | US | | marketHoliday/IEPA.csv | 2004 | |
XINE | Shanghai International Energey Exchange | China | | marketHoliday/XINE.csv | 2017 | |
SHFE | Shanghai Futures Exchange | China | | marketHoliday/SHFE.csv | 1992 | |
XAMS | Euronext Amsterdam | Netherlands | | marketHoliday/XAMS.csv | 2004 | |
XASX | Austrialian Securities Exchange | Australia | | marketHoliday/XASX.csv | 2004 | |
XBKK | Stock Exchange of Thailand | Thailand | | marketHoliday/XBKK.csv | 2004 | |
XBOG | Colombia Securities Exchange | Colombia | | marketHoliday/XBOG.csv | 2004 | |
XBOM | Bombay Stock Exchange | India | | marketHoliday/XBOM.csv | 2004 | |
XBRU | Euronext Brussels | Belgium | | marketHoliday/XBRU.csv | 2004 | |
XBSE | Bucharest Stock Exchange | Romania | | marketHoliday/XBSE.csv | 2004 | |
XBUD | Budapest Stock Exchange | Hungary | | marketHoliday/XBUD.csv | 2004 | |
XBUE | Buenos Aires Stock Exchange | Argentina | marketHoliday/XBUE.csv | 2004 | ||
XCBF | CBOE Futures | USA | | marketHoliday/XCBF.csv | 2004 | |
XCSE | Copenhagen Stock Exchange | Denmark | | marketHoliday/XCSE.csv | 2004 | |
XDUB | Irish Stock Exchange | Ireland | | marketHoliday/XDUB.csv | 2004 | |
XETR | Xetra | Germany | | marketHoliday/XETR.csv | 2004 | |
XFRA | Frankfurt Stock Exchange | Germany | | marketHoliday/XFRA.csv | 2004 | |
XHEL | Helsinki Stock Exchange | Finland | | marketHoliday/XHEL.csv | 2004 | |
XHKG | Hong Kong Exchanges | Hong Kong, China | | marketHoliday/XHKG.csv | 2004 | |
XICE | Iceland Stock Exchange | Iceland | | marketHoliday/XICE.csv | 2004 | |
XIDX | Indonesia Stock Exchange | Indonesia | | marketHoliday/XIDX.csv | 2004 | |
XIST | Istanbul Stock Exchange | Türkiye | | marketHoliday/XIST.csv | 2004 | |
XJSE | Johannesburg Stock Exchange | South Africa | | marketHoliday/XJSE.csv | 2004 | |
XKAR | Pakistan Stock Exchange | Pakistan | | marketHoliday/XKAR.csv | 2004 | |
XKLS | Malaysia Stock Exchange | Malaysia | | marketHoliday/XKLS.csv | 2004 | |
XKRX | Korea Exchange | Republic of Korea | | marketHoliday/XKRX.csv | 2004 | |
XLIM | Lima Stock Exchange | Peru | marketHoliday/XLIM.csv | 2004 | ||
XLIS | Euronext Lisbon | Portugal | | marketHoliday/XLIS.csv | 2004 | |
XLON | London Stock Exchange | England | | marketHoliday/XLON.csv | 2004 | |
XMAD | Euronext Lisbon | Portugal | | marketHoliday/XMAD.csv | 2004 | |
XMEX | Mexican Stock Exchange | Mexico | | marketHoliday/XMEX.csv | 2004 | |
XMIL | Borsa Italiana | Italy | | marketHoliday/XMIL.csv | 2004 | |
XMOS | Moscow Exchange | Russia | | marketHoliday/XMOS.csv | 2004 | |
XNYS | New York Stock Exchange | USA | | marketHoliday/XNYS.csv | 2004 | |
XNZE | New Zealand Exchangen | New Zealand | | marketHoliday/XNZE.csv | 2004 | |
XOSL | Oslo Stock Exchange | Norway | | marketHoliday/XOSL.csv | 2004 | |
XPAR | Euronext Paris | France | | marketHoliday/XPAR.csv | 2004 | |
XPHS | Philippine Stock Exchange | Philippines | | marketHoliday/XPHS.csv | 2004 | |
XPRA | Prague Stock Exchange | Czech Republic | | marketHoliday/XPRA.csv | 2004 | |
XSES | Singapore Exchange | Singapore | | marketHoliday/XSES.csv | 2004 | |
XSGO | Santiago Stock Exchange | Chile | | marketHoliday/XSGO.csv | 2004 | |
XSHE | Shenzhen Stock Exchange | China | | marketHoliday/XSHE.csv | 1992 | |
XSHG | Shanghai Stock Exchange | China | | marketHoliday/XSHG.csv | 1991 | |
XSTO | Stockholm Stock Exchange | Sweden | | marketHoliday/XSTO.csv | 2004 | |
XSWX | SIX Swiss Exchange | Switzerland | | marketHoliday/XSWX.csv | 2004 | |
XTAI | Taiwan Stock Exchange Corp | Taiwan, China | | marketHoliday/XTAI.csv | 2004 | |
XTKS | Tokyo Stock Exchange | Japan | | marketHoliday/XTKS.csv | 2004 | |
XTSE | Toronto Stock Exchange | Canada | | marketHoliday/XTSE.csv | 2004 | |
XWAR | Poland Stock Exchange | Poland | marketHoliday/XWAR.csv | 2004 | ||
XWBO | Wiener Borse | Austria | | marketHoliday/XWBO.csv | 2004 |