

partition(partitionCol, keys)


partitionCol is a STRING indicating the partitioning column. For COMPO partitions, specify either of the partitioning columns.

keys is a scalar or vector without null values, indicating the partition(s) to select. Please refer to the following table about how to specify keys for each partition scheme:

Partition Scheme How to Specify keys
VALUE The associated element(s) in the partitioning vector
RANGE The index of the associated partition(s), starting from 0
HASH Hash modulus(moduli) of the partitioning column
LIST The index of the associated partition(s), starting from 0

Note: The partitions specified by keys must be within the partition range of the partitioned table, otherwise an error would occur indicating the specified keys are out of range.


Select one or more partitions from a partitioned table. It can only be used in the where clause of a SQL statement. This function makes it convenient to select specific partitions for HASH, LIST and RANGE partitions.


db=database(dbName, LIST, ["A"+string(1..10), "A"+string(11..20), "A"+string(21..30)])
date=rand(2012.01.01..2012.01.10, n)
sym=rand("A"+string(1..30), n)
qty=rand(100, n)
t=table(date, sym, qty)
pt=db.createPartitionedTable(t, `pt, `sym).append!(t)
select * from pt where partition(sym, 0 1)
date sym qty
2012.01.06 A4 32
2012.01.03 A10 34
2012.01.03 A17 51
2012.01.04 A14 47
2012.01.06 A16 50
2012.01.04 A15 56
2012.01.04 A16 80
2012.01.02 A11 69
2012.01.01 A14 68
db1=database("", HASH, [SYMBOL, 10])
db2=database("", LIST, ["A"+string(1..10), "B"+string(1..10), "C"+string(1..10)])
db=database(dbName, COMPO, [db1, db2])
id=symbol(string(rand(uuid(), n)))
sym=rand(["A"+string(1..10), "B"+string(1..10), "C"+string(1..10)].flatten(), n)
qty=rand(100, n)
t=table(id, sym, qty)
pt=db.createPartitionedTable(t, `pt, `id`sym).append!(t)
select * from pt where partition(id, 2 3), partition(sym, 1 2) order by id, sym, qty
id sym vqty
19e8591f-8b7c-c611-bd3e-582d00a414430 C6 69
2db9074a-0502-27ad-06d5-8d1bf3270245 B4 2
73c1ae86-51c9-3e04-c1dd-6c4b62d8a129 B9 65
99d78d5e-14bb-dc7e-7210-7bc5ad0cda5d C10 11