order by

The keyword order by is used to sort the result based on specified column(s).

Starting from version 2.00.5, the order-by column can be a selected column or its alias.

Starting from version 2.00.9, order by supports nulls first/nulls last:

order by col [asc | desc] [nulls first | nulls last]

asc | desc specifies that the results should be returned in ascending order or descending order. If the order is not specified, ASC is the default.

nulls first | nulls last specifies that null values should be returned before or after non-null values.

  • When querying a DFS table, order-sensitive or user-defined function cannot be applied to col.

  • asc | desc is required if nulls first | nulls last is specified.


price= 49.6 29.46 29.52 30.02 174.97 175.23 50.76 50.32 51.29
qty = 2200 1900 2100 3200 6800 5400 1300 2500 8800
timestamp = [09:34:07,09:36:42,09:36:51,09:36:59,09:32:47,09:35:26,09:34:16,09:34:26,09:38:12]
t1 = table(timestamp, sym, qty, price);
timestamp sym qty price
09:34:07 C 2200 49.6
09:36:42 MS 1900 29.46
09:36:51 MS 2100 29.52
09:36:59 MS 3200 30.02
09:32:47 IBM 6800 174.97
09:35:26 IBM 5400 175.23
09:34:16 C 1300 50.76
09:34:26 C 2500 50.32
09:38:12 C 8800 51.29
select * from t1 order by sym, timestamp;
timestamp sym qty price
09:34:07 C 2200 49.6
09:34:16 C 1300 50.76
09:34:26 C 2500 50.32
09:38:12 C 8800 51.29
09:32:47 IBM 6800 174.97
09:35:26 IBM 5400 175.23
09:36:42 MS 1900 29.46
09:36:51 MS 2100 29.52
09:36:59 MS 3200 30.02

We can use keyword "desc" to sort on descending order.

select * from t1 where sym in `C`IBM order by sym, timestamp desc;
timestamp sym qty price
09:38:12 C 8800 51.29
09:34:26 C 2500 50.32
09:34:16 C 1300 50.76
09:34:07 C 2200 49.6
09:35:26 IBM 5400 175.23
09:32:47 IBM 6800 174.97
t = table(5 3 NULL NULL 1 6 8 as id, 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 as val)
select * from t order by id asc nulls last
id val
1 5
3 2
5 1
6 6
8 7
t = table(5 3 NULL NULL 1 6 8 as id, 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 as val)
select * from t order by id asc nulls first
id val
1 5
3 2
5 1
6 6
8 7