

percentileRank(X, score, [method='excel'])


X is a numeric vector/matrix/table. If it is a matrix, calculate the percentile for each column and output a vector. If it is a table, calculate the percentile for each column and output a table.

score is a scalar. The function will calculate the rank of the score according to the X.

method is a string indicating the method to calculate the percentline. It can be:
  • "excel" (default): The proportion of the number of elements smaller than score to the number of elements not equal to score. If score is not equal to any element in X, then percentile calculation formula will be as below:

    In the formula, Xi is the maximum less than score and Xi+1 is the minimum greater than score. Pi and Pi+1 is the percentile of Xi and Xi+1.

  • "rank": The percentage of the number of elements not greater than score to the number of elements in X. If there are multiple elements in X that is equal to score, take the average of their percentiles as the result.

  • "strict": The percentage of the number of elements smaller than score to the number of elements in X.

  • "weak": The percentage of the number of elements not greater than score to the number of elements in X.

  • "mean": The average value of "strict" and "weak".


Calculate the percentile (0-100) of a score in a vector with null values ignored.


a = 2 3 4 4 5;
percentileRank(a, 4);
// output: 66.666667

percentileRank(a, 3);
// output: 25

percentileRank(a, 4, "rank");
// output: 70

// output: 80

// output: 40

// output: 60

percentileRank(1 5 8, 6, "excel")
// output: 66.666667