



shared is Boolean variable.
  • false (default): return info on all variables in the current session

  • true: return info on all variables in the current session and variables shared by other sessions


Obtain the information on the variables in memory. Return a table with the following columns:

  • name: variable name

  • type: data type

  • form: data form

  • rows:

    • If the data form is vector/dictionary/set, return the number of all elements (including null values);

    • If the data form is matrix/table, return the number of rows.

  • columns:

    • If the data form is vector/dictionary/set, return 1;

    • If the data form is matrix/table, return the number of columns.

  • bytes: the memory (in bytes) used by the variable

  • shared: whether it is a shared variable

  • extra: the logical path to the DFS table, in the format of "dfs://dbName/tableName"

  • owner: the creator of shared variables. This column will only be displayed when shared is set to true. It will be left empty for local variables.

Please note that the function does not return the function definitions. You can use defs to check function definitions, or memSize for the memory usage.


//create a DFS database
ticker = rand(`MSFT`GOOG`FB`ORCL`IBM,n);
x=rand(1.0, n)
t=table(ticker, x)
db=database(directory="dfs://listdb", partitionType=HASH, partitionScheme=[STRING, 5])
pt=db.createPartitionedTable(t, `pt, `ticker)

// shared in-memory table
time = take(2021.08.20 00:00:00..2021.08.30 00:00:00, 40);
id = 0..39;
value = rand(100, 40);
tmp = table(time, id, value);
share tmp as st

// create set
s = set([1,2,3,4,5])

// create dict
x=1 2 3
y=4.5 7.8 4.3

// create matrix
m = matrix(1 2 3, 4 5 6)

// create pair
p = 1:2
name type form rows columns bytes shared extra owner
n INT SCALAR 1 1 16 false
ticker SYMBOL VECTOR 1,000,000 1 4,000,000 false
x INT VECTOR 3 1 12 false
t BASIC TABLE 1,000,000 2 12,000,312 false
db HANDLE SCALAR 1 1 24 false
pt ALIAS TABLE 0 2 12,000,000 false dfs://listdb/pt
time DATETIME VECTOR 40 1 160 false
id INT VECTOR 40 1 160 false
value INT VECTOR 40 1 160 false
tmp BASIC TABLE 40 3 832 false
s INT SET 5 1 28 false
y DOUBLE VECTOR 3 1 24 false
z DOUBLE DICTIONARY 3 1 199 false
m INT MATRIX 3 2 24 false
p INT PAIR 2 1 8 false
st BASIC TABLE 40 3 832 true admin