

kurtosis(X, [biased=true])


X is a vector/matrix.

biased is a Boolean value indicating whether the result is biased. The default value is true, meaning the bias is not corrected.


Return the kurtosis of X. The calculation skips null values.

The calculation uses the following formulas:
  • when biased =true:

  • when biased=false:

If X is a matrix, calculate the skewness of each column of X and return a vector.

If X is a table, calculate the skewness of each column of X and return a table.

kurtosis also supports querying partitioned tables and distributed tables with bias correction.

Function kurtosis in DolphinDB returns a biased result by default (biased = true), while in pandas and Excel it is unbiased estimation, and the kurtosis value 3 of the normal distribution is subtracted.

Refer to the following example, you can make the kurtosis results of DolphinDB consistent with that of pandas and excel:

// python
m = [1111, 323, 43, 51]
df = pandas.DataFrame(m)
y = df.kurt()
// output: 2.504252

// dolphindb
m=matrix(1111 323 43 51)
kurtosis(m, false) - 3
// output: 2.5043


Please note that as the example below uses the random number generator norm, the result is slightly different each time it is executed.

x=norm(0, 1, 1000000);
// output: 3.000249

// output: 100.626722

m=matrix(1..10, 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 100);
#0 #1
1 1
2 2
3 3
4 4
5 5
6 6
7 7
8 8
9 9
10 100
// output: [1.775757575757576,7.997552566718839]