kroghInterpolate(X, Y, newX, [der=0])
X is a numeric vector indicating the x-coordinates. It must be sorted in increasing order with no null values contained.
Y is a numeric vector of the same length as Xi, indicating the y-coordinates. It cannot contain null values.
newX is a numeric vector specifying the points at which to evaluate the derivatives.
der (optional) is a non-negative integer indicating how many derivatives to evaluate. The default value is 0, meaning the function value is used as the 0th derivative.
Interpolating polynomial for a set of points. The polynomial passes through all the
pairs (X, Y)
and returns the derivative interpolated at the
One may additionally specify a number of derivatives at each point Xi; this is done by repeating the value Xi and specifying the derivatives as successive Yi values.
When the vector of Xi contains only distinct values, Yi represents the function value.
When an element of Xi occurs two or more times in a row, the corresponding Yi represents derivative values. For example, if X = [0,0,1,1] and Y = [1,0,2,3], then Y[0]=f(0), Y[1]=f'(0), Y[2]=f(1) and Y[3]=f'(1).
as an example to interpolate the value and first derivative
at the point of
xx.def linspace(start, end, num, endpoint=true){
if(endpoint) return end$DOUBLE\(num-1), start + end$DOUBLE\(num-1)*0..(num-1)
else return start + end$DOUBLE\(num-1)*0..(num-1)
x = 0 1 2 3 4 5
y = sin(x)
xx = linspace(0.0, 5.0, 10)[1]
// output: [0,0.515119011157387,0.898231239576709,0.998548648650381,0.793484053410063,0.354287125066207,-0.188319604452395,-0.678504737959061,-0.969692008469677,-0.958924274663139]
// output: [0.885486080979582,0.875967413938641,0.459031117252456,-0.103633680213926,-0.612193041424271,-0.92866822117116,-0.976935666075988,-0.742727014588963,-0.273629096989106,0.320916064615744]