



args can be vectors, tuples, fixed length array vectors, matrices, or tables. All args must be of the same data type supported by array vectors.


Concatenate vectors, matrices, and tables and return an array vector.

Note: The length of a vector or each vector in a tuple, and the number of rows of a matrix or table must be the same.

The following figure describes how different data forms are concatenated into an array vector based on Example 1.


Example 1.

vec = 1 5 3
tp = [3 4 5, 4 5 6]
m =  matrix(5 0 7, 7 6 9, 1 9 0)
tb = table(6 9 4 as v1, 1 4 3 as v2)
f = fixedLengthArrayVector(vec, tp, m, tb)
// output: [[1,3,4,5,7,1,6,1],[5,4,5,0,6,9,9,4],[3,5,6,7,9,0,4,3]]

// output: FAST INT[] VECTOR

Example 2. store multiple columns as one column

if(existsDatabase("dfs://stock")) {
db=database("dfs://stock", RANGE, cutPoints(syms,3), engine="TSDB");
t=table(take(datetimes,n) as trade_time, take(syms,n) as sym,take(500+rand(10.0,n), n) as bid1, take(500+rand(20.0,n),n) as bid2)
t1=select trade_time, sym, fixedLengthArrayVector(bid1,bid2) as bid from t

quotes=db.createPartitionedTable(t1,`quotes,`sym, sortColumns=`sym`trade_time).append!(t1)
select * from quotes
trade_time sym bid
2019.01.01T00:00:00 A1 [503.111142,507.55833]
2019.01.01T00:00:30 A1 [502.991382,501.734092]
2019.01.01T00:01:00 A1 [500.790709,509.200963]
2019.01.01T00:01:30 A1 [501.127932,507.972508]
2019.01.01T00:02:00 A1 [500.678614,514.947117]

You can obtain a bid price by specifying the index. Applying a function to the bid column is equivalent to calculating on all bid prices.

select avg(bid[0]) as avg_bid1, avg(bid[1]) as avg_bid2, avg(bid) as avg_bid from quotes
avg_bid1 avg_bid2 avg_bid
505.0263 509.2912 507.16

Normally the field names of quotes are composed of the quote type and a number. To store multiple quote prices into an array vector, you can write the script as shown below:

// generate 50 bid/ask prices
n = 200
t=table(take(datetimes,n) as trade_time, take(syms,n) as sym)
for(i  in 1:51){

      t["bid"+string(i)] = take(500+rand(10.0,n), n)

// store the data into an array vector
t1=select trade_time, sym, bid from t

To improve the performance, you can use it with function unifiedCall.

t["bid"]=unifiedCall(fixedLengthArrayVector, t["bid"+string(1..50)])
t1=select trade_time, sym, bid from t
Example 3. Save 5 levels of quotes for exchanges A and B as array vectors, then concatenate them into an array vector.
// Generate 5 levels of quotes for exchanges A and B
syms = "A" + string(1..5)
datetimes = 2019.01.01T00:00:00..2019.01.31T23:59:59
n = 10
t1 = table(take(datetimes, n) as trade_time, take(syms, n) as sym)
for(i  in 1:6){
      t1["bid" + string(i)] = take(50 + rand(10.0, n), n)
t2 = table(take(datetimes, n) as trade_time, take(syms, n) as sym)
for(i  in 1:6){
      t2["bid" + string(i)] = take(50 + rand(10.0, n), n)

// save quotes as array vectors
t1["bid"] = fixedLengthArrayVector(t1["bid" + string(1..5)])
t2["bid"] = fixedLengthArrayVector(t2["bid" + string(1..5)])

// concatenate fixed length array vectors
t1["bid"] = fixedLengthArrayVector(t1["bid"], t2["bid"])
t3 = select trade_time, sym, bid from t1
trade_time sym bid
2019.01.01T00:00:00 A1 [56.68,54.55,53.11,53.38,59.60,57.35,59.92,50.62,56.06,54.69]
2019.01.01T00:00:01 A2 [58.97,50.65,54.38,50.11,56.26,52.35,52.79,55.43,52.16,53.35]
2019.01.01T00:00:02 A3 [50.25,53.45,52.68,58.19,56.51,57.54,55.22,51.74,58.63,57.43]
2019.01.01T00:00:03 A4 [56.42,50.28,57.04,52.45,51.83,57.75,55.04,57.34,57.82,53.28]
2019.01.01T00:00:04 A5 [59.90,51.73,55.54,57.74,53.48,59.62,57.26,53.99,52.67,57.82]
2019.01.01T00:00:05 A1 [53.16,59.27,52.97,50.41,58.30,57.83,54.93,56.91,52.51,57.95]
2019.01.01T00:00:06 A2 [53.14,50.87,52.62,54.47,59.97,56.99,55.32,54.66,56.77,58.39]
2019.01.01T00:00:07 A3 [58.33,59.80,52.34,57.52,57.39,54.67,51.19,52.11,55.27,53.07]
2019.01.01T00:00:08 A4 [55.21,54.88,54.38,52.36,56.56,53.81,57.84,53.24,54.87,54.63]
2019.01.01T00:00:09 A5 [52.98,55.72,55.83,50.60,51.01,57.02,54.07,54.63,55.44,59.28]