eqPercent(X, Y, [toleranceLevel=0.0001])
- X / Y are two numbers to compare. They must be scalars, vectors, pairs, or matrices of the same shape. Supported data types include BOOL, CHAR, SHORT, INT, LONG, FLOAT, DOUBLE, DECIMAL. Note: X and Y must be of the same form, and elements in X and Y can be of different data types.
- toleranceLevel (optional) is a number in (0, 100), representing the tolerable percentage error. The default value is 0.0001. This means the absolute difference between the two elements must not exceed the toleranceLevel percentage of the absolute value of Y. For example, if Y is 1000 and toleranceLevel is 0.0001, the allowable error is 1000 * 0.0001% = 0.001. Thus, an X value between [999.999, 1000.001] will be considered equal to Y.
Check element-wise equality of two inputs X and Y are equal within the specified toleranceLevel.
Return Value: A Boolean scalar
If the type of the input X or Y is not supported, the function returns the result of
eqObj(X, Y).
Null values are not equal to other values.
Null values of different types are considered equal.
eqPercent((1.9999 2.9999), (2 3))
// Output: true
eqPercent((1.9 2.9), (2 3), 2)
// Output: false
Elements in X and Y can be of different data types:
eqPercent((1.99f 2.99), (2 3h), 2)
// Output: true
When comparing null values:
// Null values are not equal to other values
eqPercent((1.9999 NULL), (2 3))
// Output: false
// Null values of DOUBLE and VOID types are considered equal
// Output: true
When an unsupported type is passed, the function returns the result of eqObj(X,
eqPercent(2012.06M, 2)
// Output: false