window join


Window join:

wj(leftTable, rightTable, window, aggs, matchingCols, [rightMatchingCols])

Prevailing window join:

pwj(leftTable, rightTable, window, aggs, matchingCols, [rightMatchingCols])


leftTable and rightTable are the tables to be joined. The right table cannot be a DFS table.

window is a pair of integers indicating the left bound and the right bound (both are inclusive) of the window relative to the records in the left table.

aggs is metacode or a tuple of metacode indicating one or a list of aggregate functions/rightTable columns. For details please refer to Metaprogramming. If an aggregate function is specified, its parameters must be numeric columns of the right table. If a rightTable column is specified, the results for each window will be output in the form of array vectors.

matchingCols is a string scalar/vector indicating matching columns.

rightMatchingCols is a string scalar/vector indicating all the matching columns in rightTable . This optional argument must be specified if at least one of the matching columns has different names in leftTable and rightTable . The joining column names in the result will be the joining column names from the left table.


Window join is a generalization of asof join. For each row in leftTable, window join applies aggregate functions on a matching interval of rows in rightTable .

Similar to asof join, if there is only 1 joining column, the window join function assumes the right table is sorted on the joining column. If there are multiple joining columns, the window join function assumes the right table is sorted on the last joining column within each group defined by the other joining columns. The right table does not need to be sorted by the other joining columns. If these conditions are not met, unexpected results may be returned. The left table does not need to be sorted.

Standard windows (i.e., window = w1:w2):

The windows over the right table are determined by the current timestamp in the left table and the specified parameter window. Suppose the current timestamp in the left table is t, and window is set to w1:w2, then the corresponding window in the right table consists of records with timestamps in [t+w1, t+w2]. The function applies aggs to the selected rows in rightTable and returns the result for each window.

Special windows (i.e., window = 0:0):

The special window is only supported for wj.

The windows over the right table are determined by the current timestamp in the left table and its previous timestamp. Suppose the current timestamp in the left table is t and the previous timestamp is t0, then the corresponding window in the right table consists of records with timestamps in [t0, t).

The differences between wj and pwj are:

  • If rightTable doesn't have a matching value for t+w1 (the left boundary of the window), wj will treat it as a NULL element in the window, whereas pwj will include the last value before t+w1 in the window.

  • If rightTable has multiple matching values for t+w1, wj will include all of them while pwj will only include the last row.

The following aggregate functions in window join are optimized for better performance:

avg, beta, count, corr, covar, first, last, max, med, min, percentile, std, sum, sum2, var wavg, kurtosis, prod, skew, stdp, varp, atImin, atImax

Note: When specifying atImax or atImin in parameter aggs of window join functions, if there are multiple identical extreme values in a window, the last record with extreme value is used for calculation by default.


t1 = table(`A`A`B as sym, 09:56:06 09:56:07 09:56:06 as time, 10.6 10.7 20.6 as price)
t2 = table(take(`A,10) join take(`B,10) as sym, take(09:56:00+1..10,20) as time, (10+(1..10)\10-0.05) join (20+(1..10)\10-0.05) as bid, (10+(1..10)\10+0.05) join (20+(1..10)\10+0.05) as offer, take(100 300 800 200 600, 20) as volume);
sym time price
A 09:56:06 10.6
A 09:56:07 10.7
B 09:56:06 20.6
sym time bid offer volume
A 09:56:01 10.05 10.15 100
A 09:56:02 10.15 10.25 300
A 09:56:03 10.25 10.35 800
A 09:56:04 10.35 10.45 200
A 09:56:05 10.45 10.55 600
A 09:56:06 10.55 10.65 100
A 09:56:07 10.65 10.75 300
A 09:56:08 10.75 10.85 800
A 09:56:09 10.85 10.95 200
A 09:56:10 10.95 11.05 600
B 09:56:01 20.05 20.15 100
B 09:56:02 20.15 20.25 300
B 09:56:03 20.25 20.35 800
B 09:56:04 20.35 20.45 200
B 09:56:05 20.45 20.55 600
B 09:56:06 20.55 20.65 100
B 09:56:07 20.65 20.75 300
B 09:56:08 20.75 20.85 800
B 09:56:09 20.85 20.95 200
B 09:56:10 20.95 21.05 600
wj(t1, t2, -5s:0s, <avg(bid)>, `sym`time);
sym time price avg_bid
A 09:56:06 10.6 10.3
A 09:56:07 10.7 10.4
B 09:56:06 20.6 20.3
wj(t1, t2, -5:-1, <[wavg(bid,volume), wavg(offer,volume)]>, `sym`time);
sym time price wavg_bid wavg_offer
A 09:56:06 10.6 10.295 10.395
A 09:56:07 10.7 10.32 10.42
B 09:56:06 20.6 20.295 20.395
t3.rename!(`time, `second)
wj(t1, t3, -2:2, <[wavg(bid,volume), wavg(offer,volume)]>, `sym`time, `sym`second);
sym time price wavg_bid wavg_offer
A 09:56:06 10.6 10.595 10.695
A 09:56:07 10.7 10.645 10.745
B 09:56:06 20.6 20.595 20.695

Calculate the ratio of average bid-offer spread to the average offer price.

wj(t1, t2, -5s:0s, <avg(offer-bid)/avg(offer)>, `sym`time);
sym time price avg_bid_div
A 09:56:06 10.6 0.0096
A 09:56:07 10.7 0.0095
B 09:56:06 20.6 0.0049

Window join is a generalization of asof join:

wj(t1, t2, -100:0, <[last(bid) as bid, last(offer) as offer]>, `sym`time);
sym time price bid offer
A 09:56:06 10.6 10.55 10.65
A 09:56:07 10.7 10.65 10.75
B 09:56:06 20.6 20.55 20.65
select sym, time, price, bid, offer from aj(t1, t2, `sym`time);
sym time price bid offer
A 09:56:06 10.6 10.55 10.65
A 09:56:07 10.7 10.65 10.75
B 09:56:06 20.6 20.55 20.65

Prevailing window join:

delete from t2 where 09:56:04<=time<=09:56:06;
sym time bid offer volume
A 09:56:01 10.05 10.15 100
A 09:56:02 10.15 10.25 300
A 09:56:03 10.25 10.35 800
A 09:56:07 10.65 10.75 300
A 09:56:08 10.75 10.85 800
A 09:56:09 10.85 10.95 200
A 09:56:10 10.95 11.05 600
B 09:56:01 20.05 20.15 100
B 09:56:02 20.15 20.25 300
B 09:56:03 20.25 20.35 800
B 09:56:07 20.65 20.75 300
B 09:56:08 20.75 20.85 800
B 09:56:09 20.85 20.95 200
B 09:56:10 20.95 21.05 600
wj(t1, t2, -1:1, <[first(bid), avg(offer)]>, `sym`time);
sym time price first_bid avg_offer
A 09:56:06 10.6 10.65 10.75
A 09:56:07 10.7 10.65 10.8
B 09:56:06 20.6 20.65 20.75

Dynamically pass values to aggs in tuple format.

aggs = array(ANY, 3)   //Specify aggs as a tuple with metacode
aggs[0] = <min(bid)>
aggs[1] = <min(offer)>
aggs[2] = <min(volume)>
wj(t1, t2, -5s:0s, aggs, `sym`time);
sym time price min_bid min_offer min_volume
A 09:56:06 10.6 10.05 10.15 100
A 09:56:07 10.7 10.15 10.25 100
B 09:56:06 20.6 20.05 20.15 100
pwj(t1, t2, -1:1, <[first(bid), avg(offer)]>, `sym`time);
sym time price first_bid avg_offer
A 09:56:06 10.6 10.25 10.55
A 09:56:07 10.7 10.25 10.65
B 09:56:06 20.6 20.25 20.55

In the example above, for sym "A" at 09:56:06 in the left table, window join uses the row of sym "A" at 09:56:07 in the right table to calculate first(bid) and avg(offer), whereas prevailing window join uses the rows of sym "A" at 09:56:03 and 09:56:07 in the right table.

Example for window = 0:0:

wj(t1, t2, 0:0, <[last(bid), bid]>, `sym`time)






A 09:56:06 10.6 10.45 [10.05, 10.15, 10.25, 10.35, 10.45]
A 09:56:07 10.7 10.55 [10.55]
B 09:56:06 20.6 20.45 [20.05, 20.15, 20.25, 20.35, 20.45]