

weekEnd(X, [weekday=6], [offset], [n=1])

Alias: week



weekday (optional) is an integer from 0 to 6. 0 means Monday, 1 means Tuesday, ..., and 6 means Sunday. The default value is 6.

offset (optional) is a scalar of the same data type as X. It must be no greater than the minimum value of X. The default value is the minimum value of X.

n (optional) is a positive integer. The default value is 1.


For each element of X, return the last date of the week that it belongs to and that ends on the day as specified by parameter weekday.

  • If parameter weekday>=weekday(X, false): for each element of X, return a date that corresponds to the specified "weekday" parameter in the same calendar week.

  • If parameter weekday<weekday(X, false): for each element of X, return a date that corresponds to the specified "weekday" parameter in the next calendar week.

If parameter offset is specified, the result is updated every n weeks. Parameter offset works only if parameter n>1.


Example 1

t = table(2017.12.01..2017.12.14 as date)
update t set weekday=weekday(date, false), weekEnd=weekEnd(date), weekEnd4=weekEnd(date,4)
date weekday weekEnd weekEnd4
2017.12.01 4 2017.12.04 2017.12.01
2017.12.02 5 2017.12.04 2017.12.08
2017.12.03 6 2017.12.04 2017.12.08
2017.12.04 0 2017.12.04 2017.12.08
2017.12.05 1 2017.12.11 2017.12.08
2017.12.06 2 2017.12.11 2017.12.08
2017.12.07 3 2017.12.11 2017.12.08
2017.12.08 4 2017.12.11 2017.12.08
2017.12.09 5 2017.12.11 2017.12.15
2017.12.10 6 2017.12.11 2017.12.15
2017.12.11 0 2017.12.11 2017.12.15
2017.12.12 1 2017.12.18 2017.12.15
2017.12.13 2 2017.12.18 2017.12.15
2017.12.14 3 2017.12.18 2017.12.15

Example 2

t = table(2018.01.03+0..10*3 as date, 0..10 as x)
update t set weekday=weekday(date, false), weekEnd2=weekEnd(date,,2018.01.02,2)
date x weekday weekEnd2
2018.01.03 0 2 2018.01.08
2018.01.06 1 5 2018.01.08
2018.01.09 2 1 2018.01.22
2018.01.12 3 4 2018.01.22
2018.01.15 4 0 2018.01.22
2018.01.18 5 3 2018.01.22
2018.01.21 6 6 2018.01.22
2018.01.24 7 2 2018.02.05
2018.01.27 8 5 2018.02.05
2018.01.30 9 1 2018.02.05
2018.02.02 10 4 2018.02.05

Example 3

date=2012.10.02 2012.10.03 2012.10.07 2012.10.08 2012.10.12 2012.10.16 2012.10.18 2012.10.20 2012.10.25 2012.10.28
sym = take(`MSFT,10)
price= 49.6 29.46 29.52 30.02 174.97 175.23 50.76 50.32 51.29 52.38
qty = 2200 1900 2100 3200 6800 5400 1300 2500 8800 4500
t1 = table(date, time, sym, qty, price);

date time sym qty price
2012.10.02 09:34:07 MSFT 2200 49.6
2012.10.03 09:36:42 MSFT 1900 29.46
2012.10.07 09:36:51 MSFT 2100 29.52
2012.10.08 09:36:59 MSFT 3200 30.02
2012.10.12 09:32:47 MSFT 6800 174.97
2012.10.16 09:35:26 MSFT 5400 175.23
2012.10.18 09:34:16 MSFT 1300 50.76
2012.10.20 09:34:26 MSFT 2500 50.32
2012.10.25 09:38:12 MSFT 8800 51.29
2012.10.28 09:38:13 MSFT 4500 52.38
select avg(price),sum(qty) from t1 group by weekEnd(date, 4, 2012.10.01, 2);
weekEnd_date avg_price sum_qty
2012.10.05 39.53 4100
2012.10.19 92.1 18800
2012.11.02 51.33 15800

Related function: weekBegin