String Operations
(1) Replace a substring with functions strReplace and regexReplace. With regexReplace
, we can
search a regular expression pattern, and we can also specify a starting position to
strReplace("this computer is faster than that computer", "computer", "desktop");
// output: this desktop is faster than that desktop
regexReplace("this computer is faster than that computer", "computer", "desktop", 8);
// output: this computer is faster than that desktop
regexReplace("this computer is faster than that computer", "\\b(comp)([^ ]*)", "desktop");
// output: this desktop is faster than that desktop
(2) Generate a substring starting with the left or the right with functions left or right respectively. Use function substr or substruto get a substring with specified starting position and length.
left("Hello World", 5);
// output: Hello
right("Hello World", 5);
// output: World
substr("This is a test", 5, 2);
// output: is
(3) Functions ltrim or rtrim removes the spaces on the left or right end of the string; function trim removes the spaces on both ends of the string; function strip removes all space, tab, new line, and carriage characters on both ends of a string.
ltrim(" Hello World ");
// output: Hello World
rtrim("Hello World ")+"!";
// output: Hello World!
trim(" Hello World ")+"!";
// output: Hello World!
strip(" \t Hello World ");
// output: Hello World
(4) Pad specified characters to the left or the right side of a string with functions lpad and rpad respectively.
// output: Hello
// output: 00Hello
// output: Hello00
(5) Repeat a string multiple times with function repeat .
// output: ABCABCABC
// output: ["ABCABCABC","DEDEDE"]
(6) Convert strings to either lower case or upper case with functions lower or upper respectively.
lower `Chloe;
// output: chloe
upper 'Christmas';
// output: CHRISTMAS
(7) Use function concat to combine 2 strings into one string.
concat (`hello, `world);
// output: helloworld
To combine multiple strings, we can use the operator "+".
var1+", "+var2+"!";
// output: Hello, World!
(8) Use function split to split a string into multiple strings with the specified delimiter.
split("xyz 1 ABCD 3241.32"," ");
// output: ["xyz","1","ABCD","3241.32"]
split("XOM|2018.02.15|76.21", "|");
// output: ["XOM","2018.02.15","76.21"]
(9) To calculate the length of a string, use function strlen .
strlen("Hello World!");
// output: 12
// output: [3,4,1,2]
To count the number of words in a string, use function wc :
// output: 1
wc("This is a 7th generation iphone!");
// output: 6
wc("This is a 7th generation iphone!" "I wonder what the 8th generation looks like");
// output: [6,8]
Use function regexCount to count how many times a string or a regular expression pattern occurs in a string.
regexCount("FB IBM FB IBM AMZN IBM", `IBM);
// output: 3
regexCount("FB IBM FB IBM AMZN IBM", `IBM, 7);
// output: 2
regexCount("this subject has a submarine as subsequence", "\\b(sub)([^ ]*)");
// output: 3
(10) Use functions startsWith and endsWith to test if a string starts or ends with another string.
startsWith('ABCDEF!', "ABC");
// output: 1
startsWith('ABCDEF!', "ABD");
// output: 0
endsWith('ABCDEF!', "F!");
// output: 1
endsWith('ABCDEF!', "E!");
// output: 0
(11) Function convertEncode changes the encoding of strings. Function fromUTF8 changes the encoding of strings from UTF-8. Function toUTF8 changes the encoding of strings to UTF-8.
// output: ["hello","DolphinDB"]
// output: ["hello","DolphinDB"]
// output: ["hello","DolphinDB"]
(12) Function charAt returns the characters at specified positions in a string.
// output: 'c'
// output: CHAR
// output: ['l','d']
(13) Function isAlpha determines whether all characters in a string are alphabets. Function isUpper determines whether all the case-based characters (letters) of a string are uppercase. Function isLower determines whether all the case-based characters (letters) of the string are lowercase. Function isTitle determines whether a string is a titlecased string, which has the first character in each word uppercase and the remaining all characters lowercase alphabets.
isAlpha(["hello","hello world","1And1",string()]);
// output: [true,false,false,false]
// output: true
// output: true
isTitle("Hello World");
// output: true
(14) Function isNumeric andisDigit determines if all characters in a string are numbers. Function isAlNum determines whether all characters in a string are alphanumeric (either alphabets or numbers).
// output: true
// output: false
// output: false
// output: true
(15) Function isSpace determines whether a string consists of only space.
isSpace(" \t ");
// output: true