
Changes Affecting Storage or Version Rollback

System Impacts Caused by Bug Fixes

  • Modified the manipulation on tuple members:
    • In previous releases, append! could be used to append data to a tuple member, and the referenced object itself was also modified. As of this release, this operation is no longer supported.
    • Added function memberModify! for modifying tuple members.

    For example:

    // create a tuple tp
    a = [1, 2, 3, 4]
    b = [6, 7, 8]
    tp = [a, b]
    tp // [[1, 2, 3, 4], [6, 7, 8]]

    Modify the tuple with append!:

    // Modify the first element of tp
    // Output (previous releases): [[1, 2, 3, 4, 5], [6, 7, 8]]. Modified successfully.
    // Output (current release):[[1, 2, 3, 4], [6, 7, 8]]. Tuple remains unchanged
    // Output (previous releases): [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]. The value of a was also changed.
    // Output (current release): [1, 2, 3, 4]. The value of a is not affected.

    Modify the tuple with memberModify!:

    // Modify the first element of tp
    memberModify!(tp, append!, 0, 5)
    // Output: [[1, 2, 3, 4, 5], [6, 7, 8]]
    // Modify the second element
    memberModify!(tp, append!, 1, 9)
    // Output: [[1, 2, 3, 4, 5], [6, 7, 8, 9]]
  • Modifed the behavior of dropPartition when the parameter partitionPathsis not specified:
    • In previous releases, it would drop the entire table.
    • Since this release, an error is reported "Please use truncate instead of dropPartition to delete the entire table."
    // create a table t with 1000000 rows
    n = 1000000;
    t = table(2020.01.01T00:00:00 + 0..(n-1) as timestamp, rand(`IBM`MS`APPL`AMZN,n) as symbol, rand(10.0, n) as value)
    db = database("dfs://rangedb_tradedata", RANGE, `A`F`M`S`ZZZZ)
    Trades = db.createPartitionedTable(table=t, tableName="Trades", partitionColumns="symbol", compressMethods={timestamp:"delta"});
    t1 = loadTable(db, "Trades")
    select count(*) from t1
    // Output: 1000000
    // Call dropPartition without specifying partitionPaths
    dropPartition(db, , tableName="t")
    // Error (previous releases): None of the specified partitions exist. RefId: S01056'
    // Error (current release): Please use truncate instead of dropPartition to delete the entire table.
    // Check the number of rows in the table
    select count(*) from t1
    // Output (previous releases): 0. The entire table is dropped.
    // Output (current release): 1000000
  • Enahnced validation when calling unsubscribeTable. An error will be reported since this release if a subscription does not exist.
    // Create a stream table for publishing
    n = 1000
    sym = take(`IBM,n)
    date = take(2012.06.12,n)
    time = take(temporalAdd(09:30:12.000,1..500,'s'),n)
    volume = rand(100,n)
    trades = table(sym, date, time, volume)
    // Create a stream table for subscribing
    share streamTable(100:0,`sym`date`time`volume,[SYMBOL, DATE, TIME, INT]) as st
    // No result or error was returned in previous releases.
    // Error (current release): The shared table st1 doesn't exist.
  • Modified function name and syntax for poly1d, from poly1d(z,x) to polyPredict(model,X). poly1d(model, X) can be used as alias.
  • Modified syntax for kroghInterpolate, from kroghInterpolate(Xi,Yi,X,[der=0]) to kroghInterpolate(X,Y,newX,[der=0]).
  • Modified the behavior of percentChange(X, [n]) when X is a scalar:
    • In previous releases, null values were returned.
    • Since this release, the error "X must be a vector or a matrix." is reported.
    // Null values were returned in previous releases.
    // Error (current release): X must be a vector or a matrix.
  • Resolved an issue when inserting records into keyed tables with multiple key columns. In previous releases, if the data types of the inserted keys were inconsistent but compatible with the table schema,no deduplication was implemented even though they are implicitly cast during insertion. Since this release, such records are deduplicated.
    sym = `A`B`C
    id = 1 2 3
    val = 11 22 33
    insert into t values ("A", 1.0, 55)

    Table t in previous releases:

    sym id val
    A 1 11
    B 2 22
    C 3 33
    A 1 55

    Since this release, record with the same key is correctly updated:

    sym id val
    A 1 55
    B 2 22
    C 3 33
  • Addressed an issue of window join when the parameter aggs contains order-sensitive functions (such as first, last) nested within sum. For example:
    • In previous releases, sum(first(col)) took the first element in the col group for the sum calculation.
    • Since this release, sum(first(col)) takes the first element from each window in the col group for the sum calculation.
    t = table(["A","B","A","B","B","A"] as
                  sym,[1,2,3,4,5,6] as id,[8, 2, 3, 6, 6, 4] as val) wj(t, t, 1:10,

    Results in previous releases:

    sym id val first_val sum
    A 1 8 3 23
    B 2 2 6 16
    A 3 3 4 12
    B 4 6 6 8
    B 5 6
    A 6 4

    Results since this release:

    sym id val first_val sum
    A 1 8 3 13
    B 2 2 6 24
    A 3 3 4 8
    B 4 6 6 12
    B 5 6
    A 6 4
  • Modified the behavior for aggregate functions applied to external variables in SELECT clause when a GROUP BY clause is present.
    • In previous releases, the external variable was calculated by group.
    • Since this release, the aggregate function is applied to the entire external variable, regardless of grouping.

    Take the avg function as an example:

    t = table( [1,2,1,2,3] as id, [1,3,5,7,9] as val)
    v = [1,2,3,4,5]
    select avg(v) from t group by id

    In previous releases, the aggregation results varied with each group: The id1 group contained the first and third rows of table t, so avg_v was the average of the first and third elements of v. Similarly, avg_v of the id2 group 2 was the average of the second and fourth elements.

    id avg_v
    1 2
    2 3
    3 5

    Since this release, the result for each group remains the same, which is the value of avg(v), 3.

    id avg_v
    1 3
    2 3
    3 3
  • Modified the result of isortTop used with context by.
    • In previous releases, isortTop was performed disregarding the groups.
    • Since this release, isortTop is performed within each group.
    t = table([1,1,2,2,3,3,4,4,5,5] as id, 1..10 as val)
    select isortTop(val,2) from t context by id

    Results in previous releases:


    Results since this release:

  • Modified the behavior of subarray in distributed queries.
    • In previous releases, subarray was performed within each partition. The results from each partition were combined into the final output.
    • Since this release, subarray is performed once on all data loaded to memory.
    db = database("dfs://test",VALUE,1..3)
    t = table(take(1..3,15) as id,1..15 as val)
    pt = db.createPartitionedTable(t,"pt",`id)
    select subarray(val,0:3) from pt

    Results in previous releases:


    Results since this release:

  • Modified the behavior of distinct nested with an aggregate function in distributed queries.
    • In previous releases, the query was executable but the result was incorrect.
    • Since this release, an error is reported.
    dbName = "dfs://test_distinct"
    db = database(dbName,RANGE,0 100 200 300 400,,`TSDB)
    x = table(take(10..15 join 105..120 join 255..260 join 360..380,10000) as id,take(1 2 4 2 3,10000) as val)
    pt = createPartitionedTable(db, x, 'pt', `id,,`id).append!(x)
    select funcByName(`first)(distinct val) from pt
    // Error (current release): Cannot nest aggregate function. RefId: S02032
  • Modified the behavior of row-based functions (except rowSum, rowMin, rowMax, rowCount, rowSum2, rowAnd, rowOr, rowXor, rowProd, and rowWsum) in a pivot by query.
    • In previous releases, the query was executable but the result was incorrect.

    • Since this release, an error is reported.

    arr = 1..10
    id = take(1..5,10)
    type1 = take(1..2, 10)
    type2 = take(1..3, 10)
    t = table(arr, id, type1, type2)
    select rowAvg(arr, id) from t pivot by type1, type2
    // Error (current release): Row reduction operation [rowAvg] cannot be used with PIVOT BY. RefId: S02029
  • Modified the behavior of createEquiJoinEngine, createTimeSeriesEngine, and

    createDailyTimeSeriesEngine when the input column type was inconsistent with that specified by dummyTable.

    • In previous releases, the query was executable without any output.
    • Since this release, an error is reported.
    share streamTable(1000:0, `time`sym`qty`price, [TIMESTAMP, SYMBOL, INT, INT]) as trades
    agg1=createTimeSeriesAggregator(name="agg1",windowSize=30000, step=30000, metrics=<[avg(qty),avg(price)]>, 
    dummyTable=trades, outputTable=output1, timeColumn=`time, keyColumn=`sym)
    n = 10000
    insert into agg1 values(2024.02.01T00:00:00.000+1000*(1..n),take(`A,n),take(`A,n),take(`A,n))
    // Error (current release): insert into agg1 values (2024.02.01T00:00:00.000 + 1000 * (1 .. n), take("A", n), take("A", n), take("A", n)) => Failed to append data to column 'price'
  • Modified the behavior of delete when joining distributed tables (specifically through ej and lj) in a database with chunkGranularity="TABLE".
    • In previous releases, the query was executable but the result was incorrect.
    • Since this release, an error is reported.
    dbName ="dfs://test_pointManagement_append"
    if(existsDatabase(dbName)) {dropDB(dbName)}
    dbvalue = database(, VALUE, 1..10)
    dbtime = database(, VALUE, 2012.01.01..2012.01.10)
    db = database(dbName, COMPO, [dbvalue, dbtime],,`TSDB)
    create table "dfs://test_pointManagement_append"."pt1"(
    	par1 INT, par2 TIMESTAMP, intv INT
    partitioned by par1, par2, 
    sortColumns=[`par1, `par2],
    keepDuplicates = ALL
    create table "dfs://test_pointManagement_append"."pt2"(
    	par1 INT, par2 TIMESTAMP, intv INT
    partitioned by par1, par2, 
    sortColumns=[`par1, `par2],
    keepDuplicates = ALL
    t1 = table(1..10 as par1, 2012.01.01..2012.01.10 as par2, 1..10 as intv)
    t2 = table(1..10 as par1, 2012.01.01..2012.01.10 as par2, 1..10 as intv)
    pt1 = loadTable("dfs://test_pointManagement_append","pt1")
    pt2 = loadTable("dfs://test_pointManagement_append","pt2")
    delete pt1 from ej(pt1, pt2, `par1`par2)
    // Error (current release): Joiner doesn't support both tables are distributed tables when left tablet type is SINGLE.
  • Modified the behavior of a distributed query when a column in the select statement is a local variable and that variable is a vector.
    • In previous releases, the query was executable but the result was incorrect.
    • Since this release, an error is reported.
    dbName = "dfs://test_analytical_function"
    db=database(dbName, VALUE, 1..100)
    n = 1000
    t = table(take(1..10,n) as id,rand(100,n) as value)
    pt = db.createPartitionedTable(t, "pt", ["id"]).append!(t)
    m = 1
    re = select *, row_number() OVER (partition by 1 order by m) as row_col from loadTable(dbName, "pt")
    select *, 1..size(re)  from loadTable(dbName, "pt")
    // Error (current release): All columns must be of the same length.