
like/LIKE is a logical operator that is used to retrieve the data in a column of a table, based on a specified pattern. It is equivalent to function like.


match_expression [NOT] LIKE pattern

match_expression is a column name or an expression containing column name.

pattern is a string (case sensitive) to be searched in match_expression. The following wildcards can be used:

  • % represents zero, one or multiple characters.
  • ? represents one character.

If match_expression matches pattern, it returns true, otherwise returns false. If "not" is specified, an opposite result is returned. The like keyword is usually used in a where clause to filter data based on a specific pattern. For example, to select data that starts with "A", ends with "B", or contains "Ca".


t= table(`a1`a2`a3`b1`b2`b3`c1`c2 as id, 7 4 NULL 1 8 NULL 12 NULL as val)
select * from t where id like "a%"
//equivalent to select * from t where like(id, "a%")
id val
a1 7
a2 4
select * from t where id not like "a%"
id val
b1 1
b2 8
c1 12