

viewTraceInfo(traceId, [isTreeView=true])


traceId is a STRING indicating the ID of a trace. Get the trace ID of a script with getTraces.

isTreeView is a Boolean indicating whether to display the tracing information in tree view. The default value is true. Otherwise, the information is displayed in plain list.


Display the tracing information of a trace. Return a table with the following columns:

  • [when isTreeView = true] tree: the execution process of the script in tree structure where each tree node is a span (the primary building block of a distributed trace, representing an individual unit of work done in a distributed system).

  • [when isTreeView = false] name: the name of the spans of the trace.

  • script: the specific script executed by each span.

  • startTime: the timestamp (in nanoseconds) at which the span execution started.

  • timeElapsed: the duration of the span execution in miliseconds

  • reference: the relationship between the current span and its parent span. There are three types of references:

    • Root: the root node of the trace. It indicates that the server received the client request. Rood node does not have a parent.

    • ChildOf: indicates that the parent span depends on the result of the current span. This reference type indicates that the current span is executed synchronously.

    • FollowsFrom: indicates that the current span merely follows from its parent span in a causal sense and the parent span does not depend on the result of its child. This reference type indicates that the child span is executed asynchronously (e.g., added to a queue for execution, network requests, etc.).

    • node: the alias of the node on which the span is executed.

    • thread: the thread ID of the span.

Common span operation reference:

Operation Description
Worker::run Upon receiving a request, the server adds it to the queue for a worker thread to process it. x is a positive integer with a value range of [0, 6].
Tokenizer::tokenize Perform lexical analysis on the script contained in the request to get a stream of lexical tokens for subsequent syntactic parsing.
Parser::parse Perform syntactic parsing on the script in the request to get executable statements.
Statement::execute A line of executable statement in the script.
SQLQueryImp::getReference Execute SQL query.
SQLQueryImp::partitionedCall Query a partitioned table. The system will break down the query into tasks and send them to the corresponding data nodes for execution. Usually seen in distributed queries.
SQLQueryImp::simpleCall Perform a simple query that doesn't contain operations such as "group by", "context by", and "croup by". Usually seen in queries on an in-memory table.
SQLQueryImp::basicCall Read data from the storage engine.
StaticStageExecutor::execute[probing] The probing process before the execution of a distributed query. A query submitted by the client will be broken down into multiple tasks. Some of the tasks are executed on the local node while others are sent to other nodes based on where the associated data is stored. When there are a large number of tasks to be sent to a remote node, the system will send them in groups.During the probing phase, the system sends one task to a remote node to detect the memory usage of the task result, thus estimating the total memory usage of the query result. If the total memory usage exceeds memLimitOfQueryResult, an exception is thrown; otherwise, the system determines the number of tasks per group to send to each remote node based on the memory usage of the single task result and the specified memLimiteOfTaskGroupResult.
StaticStageExecutor::execute[remote] The process of executing tasks on a remote node, including network calls and remote executions.
StaticStageExecutor::execute[local] The process of local execution by the worker thread.
GOContainer::addRemoteTask Send a task to a remote node. Note that this operation only involves the sending process and does not include the execution on the remote node or the node response.
TableJoiner::getReference Perform a table join operation
GroupByEngine::getReference Perform a "group by" operation
ContextByEngine::getReference Perform a "context by" operation
PivotByEngine::getReference Perform a "pivot by" operation
PartitionedPersistentTable::spillToDisk Move data of a persisted partitioned table from memory to disk
PipelinedJoinTask::getReference Perform a join pipeline operation
StaticStageExecutor::execute[batch] Execute batch jobs
UniversalTableJoinImp::executeJoinPipeline Perform a join pipeline operation on multiple tables
UniversalTableJoinImp::getReference Perform a query on multiple tables


viewTraceInfo("c87ffe02-0c93-1db0-8e4f-b5416cce0207", true);
tree script startTime timeElapsed reference node thread
receiving request 2023.11.27 07:53:37.564128355 50 Root local7270 41,472
└── Worker<0>::run 2023.11.27 07:53:37.565859643 109,969 FollowsFrom local7270 41,457
├── Tokenizer::tokenize 2023.11.27 07:53:37.566078288 61 ChildOf local7270 41,457
├── Parser::parse 2023.11.27 07:53:37.566161146 429 ChildOf local7270 41,457
└── Statement::execute t1 = select ID,col1,col2,ratio1,ratio2,col1 * ratio1 as col1_mul,col2 * ratio2 as col2_mul from ej(loadTable("dfs://TSDBdemo", "data"),temp,"ID","securityId") where ID in "tag" + string(1 .. 19) 2023.11.27 07:53:37.566651394 109,110 ChildOf local7270 41,457
└── SQLQueryImp::getReference select ID,col1,col2,ratio1,ratio2,col1 * ratio1 as col1_mul,col2 * ratio2 as col2_mul from ej(loadTable("dfs://TSDBdemo", "data"),temp,"ID","securityId") where ID in "tag" + string(1 .. 19) 2023.11.27 07:53:37.566691562 109,031 ChildOf local7270 41,457
└── SQLQueryImp::getReference select ID,col1,col2,ratio1,ratio2,col1 * ratio1 as col1_mul,col2 * ratio2 as col2_mul from ej(data,tempb035e530587f0000,"ID","securityId") where ID in "tag" + string(1 .. 19) 2023.11.27 07:53:37.567047904 108,611 ChildOf local7270 41,457
└── SQLQueryImp::partitionedCall 2023.11.27 07:53:37.568467496 107,166 ChildOf local7270 41,457
└── SQLQueryImp::executeDistributedTasks 2023.11.27 07:53:37.569360522 105,751 ChildOf local7270 41,457
├── StaticStageExecutor::execute 2023.11.27 07:53:37.569425993 103,402 ChildOf local7270 41,457
│ ├── StaticStageExecutor::execute[probing] 2023.11.27 07:53:37.569446501 5 ChildOf local7270 41,457
│ ├── StaticStageExecutor::execute[localWorker] 2023.11.27 07:53:37.569472069 16,530 ChildOf local7270 41,457
│ ├── StaticStageExecutor::execute[remote] 2023.11.27 07:53:37.569491542 16,503 ChildOf local7270 41,457
│ └── StaticStageExecutor::execute[local] 2023.11.27 07:53:37.569512416 102,990 ChildOf local7270 41,457
│ ├── SQLQueryImp::getReference select [147467] ID,col1,col2,ratio1,ratio2,col1 * ratio1 as col1_mul,col2 * ratio2 as col2_mul from ej(data,tempb035e530587f0000,"ID","securityId") where ID in "tag" + string(1 .. 19) [partition = /TSDBdemo/20231112/Key0/x5] 2023.11.27 07:53:37.586062823 10,658 ChildOf local7270 41,457
│ │ └── SQLQueryImp::basicCall 2023.11.27 07:53:37.586079488 10,611 ChildOf local7270 41,457
│ │ └── TableJoiner::getReference ej(data,tempb035e530587f0000,"ID","securityId") 2023.11.27 07:53:37.586099380 10,465 ChildOf local7270 41,457
│ │ └── TableJoinerImp::getReference ej(data,tempb035e530587f0000,"ID","securityId") 2023.11.27 07:53:37.586123907 10,374 ChildOf local7270 41,457
│ ├── SQLQueryImp::getReference 2023.11.27 07:53:37.596826822 16,607 ChildOf local7270 41,457
│ │ └── SQLQueryImp::basicCall 2023.11.27 07:53:37.596858895 16,529 ChildOf local7270 41,457
│ │ └── TableJoiner::getReference 2023.11.27 07:53:37.596885332 16,342 ChildOf local7270 41,457
│ │ └── TableJoinerImp::getReference 2023.11.27 07:53:37.596920858 14,428 ChildOf local7270 41,457
│ ├── SQLQueryImp::getReference 2023.11.27 07:53:37.613520106 5,338 ChildOf local7270 41,457
│ │ └── SQLQueryImp::basicCall 2023.11.27 07:53:37.613543452 5,251 ChildOf local7270 41,457
│ │ └── TableJoiner::getReference 2023.11.27 07:53:37.613565397 5,127 ChildOf local7270 41,457
│ │ └── TableJoinerImp::getReference 2023.11.27 07:53:37.613591427 5,067 ChildOf local7270 41,457
│ ├── SQLQueryImp::getReference 2023.11.27 07:53:37.618933658 13,263 ChildOf local7270 41,457
│ │ └── SQLQueryImp::basicCall 2023.11.27 07:53:37.618955493 13,198 ChildOf local7270 41,457
│ │ └── TableJoiner::getReference 2023.11.27 07:53:37.618973938 10,390 ChildOf local7270 41,457
│ │ └── TableJoinerImp::getReference 2023.11.27 07:53:37.618998447 10,167 ChildOf local7270 41,457
│ ├── SQLQueryImp::getReference 2023.11.27 07:53:37.632284783 11,046 ChildOf local7270 41,457
│ │ └── SQLQueryImp::basicCall 2023.11.27 07:53:37.632305236 11,022 ChildOf local7270 41,457
│ │ └── TableJoiner::getReference 2023.11.27 07:53:37.632330014 10,864 ChildOf local7270 41,457
│ │ └── TableJoinerImp::getReference 2023.11.27 07:53:37.632352650 7,955 ChildOf local7270 41,457
│ ├── SQLQueryImp::getReference 2023.11.27 07:53:37.643674730 11,336 ChildOf local7270 41,457
│ │ └── SQLQueryImp::basicCall 2023.11.27 07:53:37.643693926 11,313 ChildOf local7270 41,457
│ │ └── TableJoiner::getReference 2023.11.27 07:53:37.643714493 11,168 ChildOf local7270 41,457
│ │ └── TableJoinerImp::getReference 2023.11.27 07:53:37.643737539 8,961 ChildOf local7270 41,457
│ ├── SQLQueryImp::getReference select [147467] ID,col1,col2,ratio1,ratio2,col1 * ratio1 as col1_mul,col2 * ratio2 as col2_mul from ej(data,tempb035e530587f0000,"ID","securityId") where ID in "tag" + string(1 .. 19) [partition = /TSDBdemo/20231120/Key0/x5] 2023.11.27 07:53:37.655067979 10,913 ChildOf local7270 41,457
│ │ └── SQLQueryImp::basicCall 2023.11.27 07:53:37.655087126 10,874 ChildOf local7270 41,457
│ │ └── TableJoiner::getReference 2023.11.27 07:53:37.655294579 10,551 ChildOf local7270 41,457
│ │ └── TableJoinerImp::getReference 2023.11.27 07:53:37.655322871 10,413 ChildOf local7270 41,457
│ └── SQLQueryImp::getReference 2023.11.27 07:53:37.666074996 6,352 ChildOf local7270 41,457
│ └── SQLQueryImp::basicCall 2023.11.27 07:53:37.666094885 6,317 ChildOf local7270 41,457
│ └── TableJoiner::getReference 2023.11.27 07:53:37.666112965 6,188 ChildOf local7270 41,457
│ └── TableJoinerImp::getReference 2023.11.27 07:53:37.666133582 6,111 ChildOf local7270 41,457
├── SQLQueryImp::executeDistributedTasks[firstNonEmptyTask.getValue] 2023.11.27 07:53:37.672891073 102 ChildOf local7270 41,457
├── SQLQueryImp::executeDistributedTasks[collectFinalColumns] 2023.11.27 07:53:37.673014087 72 ChildOf local7270 41,457
└── SQLQueryImp::executeDistributedTasks[concatenateColumns] 2023.11.27 07:53:37.673112499 1,621 ChildOf local7270 41,457