A column object belongs to a table and holds a sequence of data. To refer to a column
object, we can use <table>.<column> if the statement is not a SQL statement.
Please note that <table>.<column> is read only and cannot be used to modify
a column.
t=table(2 3 4 as x, 5 6 7 as y);
// output: [2,3,4]
// output: [3,4,5]
// output: [2,3,4]
// column t.x is unchanged
// output: Syntax Error: [line #1] Can't use assignment in expression.
// this is because t.x is read only. To modify column x, use t[`x] or update clause.
In a SQL statement, the table name can be ignored in front of the variable name.
// output: select x from t;
How does the system tell if a variable is column reference, a variable name or a function
name? This problem is dynamically disambiguated at runtime with the order of column
reference, variable name, function name. Specifically, in a SQL statement, if a table
column and a defined variable have the same name, the system always interprets the name
as the table column. If we want to refer the defined variable in a SQL statement, we
have to rename the variable. If a function has the same name as a table column or a
variable and we want to use the function name in a SQL statement, we can use an "&"
or module name before the function name to qualify it.
t1=select x, y, z from t;
// since table t has column x, the system interprets x as t.x in the sql statement although there is a separately defined variable x.
// although z is not in t1, the system recognizes it is of the same size as t.x and t.y. Therefore the system uses z together with t.x and t.y to make a new table t1.
t1=table(1 2 2 3 3 as id, 1.5 1.8 3.2 1.7 2.5 as value)
select * from t1 where value > contextby(&avg,value,id);
select * from t1 where value > contextby(::avg,value,id);
select * from t1 where value > contextby(avg,value,id);
// output: To use template 'contextby', the first argument must be a function definition
t=table(1 2 3 as ID, 4 5 6 as check)
def check(x):x*10
def check1(x):x*100
def check2(x,y):x+2*y;
select ID+check from t;
// column ID plus column check from table t
select ID+check1 from t;
// column ID plus the variable of check1
select accumulate(check2, check) as y from t;
// apply the accumulate template on the function definition of check2 and the column check from table t