Data Types

Table 1. The following table summarizes the atomic data types that DolphinDB supports:
Category Data Type Name ID Examples Symbol Size Range
LOGICAL BOOL 1 1b, 0b, true, false b 1 0~1
INTEGRAL CHAR 2 'a', 97c c 1 -2 7 +1~2 7 -1
SHORT 3 122h h 2 -2 15 +1~2 15 -1
INT 4 21 i 4 -2 31 +1~2 31 -1
LONG 5 22l l 8 -2 63 +1~2 63 -1
COMPRESSED 26 1 -2 7 +1~2 7 -1
TEMPORAL DATE 6 2013.06.13 d 4
MONTH 7 2012.06M M 4
TIME 8 13:30:10.008 t 4
MINUTE 9 13:30m m 4
SECOND 10 13:30:10 s 4
DATETIME 11 2012.06.13 13:30:10 or 2012.06.13T13:30:10 D 4 [1901.12.13T20:45:53, 2038.01.19T03:14:07]
TIMESTAMP 12 2012.06.13 13:30:10.008 or 2012.06.13T13:30:10.008 T 8
NANOTIME 13 13:30:10.008007006 n 8
NANOTIMESTAMP 14 2012.06.13 13:30:10.008007006 or 2012.06.13T13:30:10.008007006 N 8 [1677.09.21T00:12:43.145224193, 2262.04.11T23:47:16.854775807]
DATEHOUR 28 2012.06.13T13 4
FLOATING FLOAT 15 2.1f f 4 Sig. Fig. 06-09
DOUBLE 16 2.1 F 8 Sig. Fig. 15-17
STRING 18 "Hello" or 'Hello' or `Hello W ≤ 65,535
BINARY INT128 31 e1671797c52e15f763380b45e841ec32 16 -2 127 +1~2 127 -1
UUID 19 5d212a78-cc48-e3b1-4235-b4d91473ee87 16
IPADDR 30 16
POINT 35 (117.60972, 24.118418) 16
SYSTEM FUNCTIONDEF 20 def f1(a,b) {return a+b;}
HANDLE 21 file handle, socket handle, and db handle
CODE 22 <1+2>
DURATION 36 1s, 3M, 5y, 200ms 4
MIXED ANY 25 (1,2,3)
ANY DICTIONARY 27 {a:1,b:2}
OTHER COMPLEX 34 2.3+4.0i 16
DECIMAL DECIMAL32(S) 37 3.1415926$DECIMAL32(3) 4 (-1*10^(9-S), 1*10^(9-S))
DECIMAL64(S) 38 3.1415926$DECIMAL64(3), 3.141P P 8 (-1*10^(18-S), 1*10^(18-S))
DECIMAL128(S) 39 3.1415926$DECIMAL128(3) 16 (-1*10^(38-S), 1*10^(38-S))
ARRAY Data types + the square bracket "[]", i.e., INT[], DOUBLE[], DECIMAL32(3)[], etc. IDs of data types + 64 array(INT[], 0, 10).append!([1 2 3, 4 5, 6 7 8, 9 10])


  • The following data types are not supported in table columns: VOID, FUNCTIONDEF, HANDLE, CODE, DATASOURCE, RESOURCE, COMPRESSED, DURATION.

  • DolphinDB uses STRING, BLOB and SYMBOL data types to represent strings.

    • SYMBOL is a special STRING type. When a column is of SYMBOL type, the number of unique values must be less than 2,097,152 (2^21), otherwise the error "One symbase's size can't exceed 2097152" will be reported.

    • Version 1.30.23/2.00.11 added size constraints for STRING, BLOB, and SYMBOL data written to distributed databases:

      • Data of STRING type must be smaller than 64 KB, otherwise it will be truncated to 65,535 bytes (i.e., 64 KB - 1 byte);

      • Data of BLOB type must be smaller than 64 MB, otherwise it will be truncated to 67,108,863 bytes (i.e., 64 MB - 1 byte);

      • Data of SYMBOL type must be smaller than 255 bytes, otherwise the system will throw an exception.

    Note: Data exceeding these limits that has already been stored in the databases can still be accessed.

  • SYMBOL is a special STRING type. When a column is of SYMBOL type, the number of unique values must be less than 2097152 (2^21), otherwise the error "One symbase's size can't exceed 2097152" will be reported.

  • ANY DICTIONARY is the data type in DolphinDB for JSON.

  • COMPRESSED can only be generated with function compress .

  • Values of BLOB type do not participate in calculations.

  • The DURATION type can be generated with function duration or by combining an integer with a unit of time (case sensitive): y, M, w, d, B, H, m, s, ms, us, ns. The range of a DURATION value is -2 31 +1~2 31 -1. If a data type overflow occurs, the data is treated as null value.

  • DolphinDB uses IEEE 754 standard for the data types DOUBLE and FLOAT. If a data type overflow occurs, the data is treated as null value.

  • The character "S" of DECIMAL32(S), DECIMAL64(S) and DECIMAL128(S) means scale, which determines the number of digits to the right of the decimal point. The value range of S is [0,9] for DECIMAL32(S), [0,18] for DECIMAL64(S), and [0,38] for DECIMAL128(S). DECIMAL32 is stored as the int32_t type and takes 4 bytes; DECIMAL64 is stored as the int64_t type and takes 8 bytes; DECIMAL128 is stored as the int128_t type and takes 16 bytes. DECIMAL(0) can represent integers in the range of [-999,999,999, 999,999,999], while the 4-byte integer (INT32) is in the range of [-2,147,483,648, 2,147,483,647]. Therefore, if the integral range of a numeric value exceeds the valid range of DECIMAL32 but is within the range of [-2147483648, 2147483647], it can still be converted to DECIMAL 32. However, when converting a string to DECIMAL32, if its length exceeds the range, the system raises an exception.

    decimal32(1000000000, 0)
                // output
                decimal32(`1000000000, 0)
                // output
                Convert string to DECIMAL failed: Decimal math overflow

Type check

Use functions typestr and type to check data types. The function typestr returns a string; the function type returns an integer.
typestr 3l;
// output

type 3l;
// output

if(type(x) == INT){y=10};

// output

Data Range

The range for integral data types are listed in the table above. For each of them, the mininum allowed value minus 1 represents the corresponding null value. For example, -128c is a null character. For null values please see Null Value Manipulation.
// output
typestr x;
// output

Data Type Symbols

A data type symbol is used for declaring a data type of a constant. In the example below, without specifying a data type symbol, number 3 is stored in memory by default as an integer. If you would like to save it as a floating number, it should be declared as 3f(float) or 3F(double).

typestr 3;
// output

typestr 3f;
// output

typestr 3F;
// output

typestr 3l;
// output

typestr 3h;
// output

typestr 3c;
// output

typestr 3b;
// output

typestr 3P;
// output

Symbol and String

In some circumstances it might be optimal to save strings as SYMBOL types in DolphinDB. SYMBOL types are stored as integers in DolphinDB to allow more efficient sorting and comparison. Therefore, SYMBOL types could potentially improve operating performance and save storage space. On the other hand, mapping strings to integers (hashing) takes time and the hash table consumes memory.

The following rules could help you decide whether to use SYMBOL types or not:

  • Avoid using SYMBOL types if the data will not be sorted, searched or compared.
  • Avoid using SYMBOL types if there are few duplicate values.
Two specific cases:
  • Stock tickers in a trades or quotes table should use SYMBOL types because a stock usually has a large amount of rows in these tables, and because stocks tickers are frequently searched and compared.
  • Descriptive fields should not use SYMBOL types because description seldom repeats and is rarely searched, sorted or compared.

Example 1: Sorting a symbol vector with 3 million records is 40 times faster than that of the same sized string vector.

strs.append!(rand(`IBM`C`MS`GOOG, n))
timer sort strs;
// Time elapsed: 482.027 ms
syms.append!(rand(`IBM`C`MS`GOOG, n))
timer sort syms;
// Time elapsed: 12.001 ms

Example 2: Comparing a symbol vector with 3 million records is almost 15 times as fast as comparing the same sized string vector.

// Time elapsed: 4661.26 ms
// Time elapsed: 322.655 ms

Symbol Vector Creation

(1) With function array
syms=array(SYMBOL, 0, 100);
// create an empty symbol array;

typestr syms;
// output: ["IBM","C","MS"]
(2) With type conversion
typestr syms;
// output: STRING VECTOR

// converting to a symbol vector;

typestr sym;

typestr syms;
// output: STRING VECTOR
(3) With function rand
symRand=rand(syms, 10);
//generate a random SYMBOL vector

// output: ["IBM","IBM","IBM","MS","C","C","MS","IBM","C","MS"]
typestr symRand;
Note: The rand function takes a string vector and generates a symbol vector. The rand function doesn't change any other input data types. We intentionally make this exception as when users generate a random vector based on a string vector, in most cases they would like to get a symbol vector.

Integer Overflow

An overflow occurs when the result of an operation falls outside the valid range of the data type being used. In DolphinDB, an integer overflow returns null.

In the following example, the variable x is of INT type, and it is assigned the maximum INT value, i.e., 2 31 - 1. The result of x+1 exceeds the upper limit of the INT type, therefore it returns NULL.

// output: null