Table is a database object that holds a list of vectors in a given order. This section describes how to create, access, and modify tables, along with examples.
Creating Tables
The DolphinDB C++ API provides two methods (createTable
defined in
the header <Util.h>) for creating tables:
(1) The following is the syntax to declare a table with names and data types specified for each column:
static Table* createTable(const vector<string>& colNames, const vector<DATA_TYPE>& colTypes, INDEX size, INDEX capacity, const vector<int>& extraParams = {});
- colNames: The names for each column.
- colTypes: The data types for each column.
- size: The initial size (in terms of the number of rows) of the table.
- capacity: The amount of memory (in terms of the number of rows) allocated to the table.
- extraParam: It determines the scale for values in a matrix of DECIMAL type.
vector<string> colNames{"col1", "col2", "col3"};
TableSP tbl = Util::createTable(colNames, colTypes, 0, 100);
(2) The following is the syntax to declare a table with names and vectors specified for each column:
static Table* createTable(const vector<string>& colNames, const vector<ConstantSP>& cols);
- colNames: The names for each column.
- colTypes: A list of vectors, where each vector defines the values for a single column. Note that all vectors must be of the same length.
vector<string> colNames{"col1", "col2", "col3"};
vector<ConstantSP> cols;
cols.emplace_back(Util::createVector(DT_INT, 0));
cols.emplace_back(Util::createVector(DT_BOOL, 0));
cols.emplace_back(Util::createVector(DT_STRING, 0));
TableSP tbl = Util::createTable(colNames, cols);
Accessing Tables
The DolphinDB C++ API provides two methods to retrieve data from a table:
(1) By column
Use function getColumn
to obtain a vector (i.e., a column) from the
table. For further retrieving entries from a column, see Accessing Vectors. The
function declarations are as follows:
ConstantSP getColumn(const string& name) const; //get the column with the name 'name'
ConstantSP getColumn(INDEX index) const; //get the index (starts at 0) column
VectorSP col1 = tbl->getColumn(0); // get the first column (with index 0)
VectorSP col2 = tbl->getColumn("col2"); // get the column with name 'col2'
(2) By row
There are two ways to retrieve data from a table by row.
a. Use the get
function to get the index (starts at 0) row of
the table. It returns a dictionary with column names as keys and entry values as
values. The function declaration is as follows:
ConstantSP get(INDEX index) const;
DictionarySP row = tbl->get(0);
std::cout << row->getMember("col1")->getInt() << std::endl;
std::cout << row->getMember("col3")->getString() << std::endl;
b. Use class ResultSet
defined in the header <Util.h>.
ResultSet resultSet(tbl);
while (!resultSet.isAfterLast()) {
int colIndex = 0;
std::cout << resultSet.getInt(colIndex++) << " ";
std::cout << int(resultSet.getBool(colIndex++)) << " ";
std::cout << resultSet.getString(colIndex++) << std::endl;;
Appending Data to a Table
The DolphinDB C++ API provides two methods for appending data to a vector:
(1) Use the append
function to add rows to the end of a table. The
function declaration is as follows:
bool append(vector<ConstantSP>& values, INDEX& insertedRows, string& errMsg);
- values: In-parameter. The values to be appended. It can be a list of equal-length vectors with data types matching each column, or a table with identical schema to the original table.
- insertedRows: Out-parameter. The number of rows that have been successfully inserted.
- errMsg: Out-parameter. The error message for the failed insert operation.
Return Values
A boolean value indicating whether data is appended successfully.
INDEX insertedRows;
std::string errorMsg;
VectorSP col0 = Util::createVector(DT_INT, 0);
VectorSP col1 = Util::createVector(DT_BOOL, 0);
VectorSP col2 = Util::createVector(DT_STRING, 0);
vector<ConstantSP> values{col0, col1, col2};
tbl->append(values, insertedRows, errorMsg); //values is a list of vectors, where each vector corresponds to 'col0', 'col1', 'col2'
TableSP tbl2 = tbl->getValue();
values= {tbl2};
tbl->append(values, insertedRows, errorMsg); //values is a table
(2) Use the getColumn
function to obtain vectors (i.e., a columns)
from the table, append data to each vector, and then call the
function to update the number of
VectorSP col0 = tbl->getColumn(0);
VectorSP col1 = tbl->getColumn(1);
VectorSP col2 = tbl->getColumn(2);