Data Types and Forms

Data Type Mappings

The following table shows the mapping between data types in C++ and their corresponding data types in DolphinDB (“-“ indicates that there is no matching C++ data type).

Category DolphinDB Data Type DolphinDB Example C++ Data Type C++ Example
NUMERIC BOOL false char 0
CHAR ’a' char 'a'
SHORT 122h short 122
INT 21 int 21
LONG 22l long long 22
FLOAT 2.1f float 2.1f
DOUBLE 2.2 double 2.2
DECIMAL32 decimal32(2.1, 3) int 2100
DECIMAL64 decimal64(2.1, 3) long 2100
DECIMAL128 decimal128(2.1, 3) int128 2100
TEMPORAL DATE 2013.06.13 int 15869
MONTH 2012.06M int 24149
TIME 13:30:10.008 int 48610008
MINUTE 13:30m int 810
SECOND 13:30:10 int 48610
DATETIME 2012.06.13 13:30:10 int 1339594210
DATEHOUR 2012.06.13T13 int 372109
TIMESTAMP 2012.06.13 13:30:10.008 long long 1339594210008
NANOTIME 13:30:10.008007006 long long 48610008007006
NANOTIMESTAMP 2012.06.13 13:30:10.008007006 long long 1339594210008007006
LITERAL STRING “Hello” std::string “Hello”
SYMBOL “Hello” - -
BLOB “Hello” std::string “Hello”
OTHER UUID 5d212a78-cc48-e3b1-4235-b4d91473ee87 unsigned char[16] -
INT128 e1671797c52e15f763380b45e841ec32 unsigned char[16] -
IPADDR unsigned char[16] -

Supported Data Forms

The DolphinDB C++ API supports various data forms, which are listed below with examples of DolphinDB data forms.

Data Form Description DolphinDB Example
scalar a variable that holds one value at a time 5, 1.3, 2012.11.15, `hello
vector a container that holds a list of objects in a given order [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10]
array vector a two-dimensional vector where each row is a variable-length vector [[1,2,3],[4,5],[6,7,8],[9,10]]
matrix a one-dimensional array with column major matrix([1 2 3, 4 5 6]);
set a container that holds a list of unsorted objects with no duplicate values (2,5)
dictionary a container that holds a list of unique key-value pairs (1->4.5, 2->7.8, 3->4.3)
table a database object that holds a list of vectors in a given order -