Uploading Data objects

This section introduces how to use member function DBConnection::upload to uplaod C++ objects to DolphinDB server with detailed examples.

The function declaration for DBConnection::upload is as follows:

ConstantSP upload(const string& name, const ConstantSP& obj);


  • name: The name of the object uploaded.
  • obj: The object to be uploaded.


Example 1: Upload a Table Object

//define a function to create a table
TableSP createDemoTable(){
    vector<string> colNames = {"name", "date", "price"};
    vector<DATA_TYPE> colTypes = {DT_STRING, DT_DATE, DT_DOUBLE};
    int colNum = 3, rowNum = 10000, indexCapacity=10000;
    ConstantSP table = Util::createTable(colNames, colTypes, rowNum, indexCapacity);
    vector<VectorSP> columnVecs;
    for(int i = 0; i < colNum; ++i)

    int array_dt_buf[Util::BUF_SIZE];                                          //create a buffer for the "date" column of array type
    double array_db_buf[Util::BUF_SIZE];                                       //create a buffer for the "price" column of array type

    int start = 0;
    int no=0;
    while (start < rowNum) {
        size_t len = std::min(Util::BUF_SIZE, rowNum - start);
        int *dtp = columnVecs[1]->getIntBuffer(start, len, array_dt_buf);       //points to buffer heads of buffer returned by `getIntBuffer`
        double *dbp = columnVecs[2]->getDoubleBuffer(start, len, array_db_buf); //points to buffer heads of buffer returned by `getDoubleBuffer`
        for (size_t i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
            columnVecs[0]->setString(i+start, "name_"+std::to_string(++no));    //assign values to the "name" column of string type
            dtp[i] = 17898+i;
            dbp[i] = (rand()%100)/3.0;
        columnVecs[1]->setInt(start, len, dtp);                                 //use `setInt` to update the array
        columnVecs[2]->setDouble(start, len, dbp);                              //use `setDouble` to update the array
        start += len;
    return table;

int main(int argc, const char **argv)
    DBConnection conn(false, false, 30, false);
    conn.connect("", 8848, "admin", "123456");
    ConstantSP t = createDemoTable();
    ConstantSP result = conn.upload("t", t);                                   //upload table t
    std::cout << conn.run("t")->size() << std::endl;                           //output the row count of table t: 10000

Example 2: Upload a Compressed Table Object

From version 1.30.19 onwards, the C++ API introduces a feature to minimize network transmission overhead. It allows compressing table data before uploading through the setColumnCompressMethods function. This function enables specifying different compression methods for individual columns within a table. Currently supported compression algorithms are "lz4" and "delta". The "delta" algorithm is restricted to SHORT, INT, LONG, and date/time data types. In scenarios with slow network speeds, it is advisable to leverage table compression to enhance performance.

The following example demonstrates how to enable compression and upload a compressed table object.

int main(int argc, const char **argv)
    //specify parameter compress to true when construct the DBConnection object
    DBConnection conn_compress(false, false, 7200, true);
    //connect to the server
    conn_compress.connect("", 8848);
    //create a shared stream table containing a DATE and a LONG column
    conn_compress.run("share streamTable(1:0, `time`value,[DATE,LONG]) as table1");
    //generate 600000 records to be uploaded
    const int count = 600000;
    vector<int> time(count);
    vector<long long>value(count);
    int basetime = Util::countDays(2012, 1, 1);
    for (int i = 0; i<count; i++) {
        time[i] = basetime + (i % 15);
        value[i] = i;
    VectorSP timeVector = Util::createVector(DT_DATE, count, count);
    VectorSP valueVector = Util::createVector(DT_LONG, count, count);
    timeVector->setInt(0, count, time.data());
    valueVector->setLong(0, count, value.data());
    vector<ConstantSP> colVector{ timeVector,valueVector };
    //create a table
    vector<string> colName = { "time","value" };
    TableSP table = Util::createTable(colName, colVector);
    //specify compression algorithm for each column
    //upload table to DolphinDB stream table "table1"
    vector<ConstantSP> args{ table };
    int insertCount = conn_compress.run("tableInsert{table1}", args)->getInt();
    //output: 600000
    std::cout << insertCount << std::endl;