

  • Added parameter disableDecimal for the run method of Session/session and DBConnectionPool classes, which determines whether to convert DECIMAL columns to DOUBLE type when downloading data.


  • Enhanced the memory management when using MultithreadedTableWriter.

New Features

  • Added classes Event/Scalar/Vector to support custom events.
  • Added class EventSender to write events into a heterogeneous stream table.
  • Added class EventClient to subscribe events from a heterogeneous stream table.


  • Added parameters backupSites, resubTimeout, subOnce to enable failover mechanism for subscribe.
  • Added support for the following pandas ExtensionDtype: Boolean/Int8/Int16/Int32/Int64/Float32/Float64/String.
  • Enhanced type hints.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed the deserialization issue when unpacking data with the PROTOCOL_PICKLE.
  • Fixed memory leaks when subscribing to the data of the following types: STRING, SYMBOL, IP, UUID, INT128, BLOB.
  • Fixed an issue where time data was being written incorrectly with TableAppender due to pandas version incompatibility under certain circumstances.
  • Fixed the issue where NaN values were not correctly converted to NULL values during the uploading process.
  • Fixed a segmentation fault when writing strings to a DECIMAL column with TableAppender/TableUpserter/PartitionedTableAppender.