
Similar to the TableAppender class, when you use a PartitionedTableAppender to append data to a DolphinDB table, time values are automatically converted to match the target schema. The PartitionedTableAppender class accepts a connection pool as an argument, and assigns each connection to concurrently append to a partition of the target table by calling the append() method. At any given time, only a single connection can write to a specific partition.


The following script creates a PartitionedTableAppender object with default parameter values:

PartitionedTableAppender(dbPath=None, tableName=None, partitionColName=None, dbConnectionPool=None)
  • dbPath: The address to a DFS database. If the partitioned table is an in-memory table, you can leave this parameter unspecified.
  • tableName: Name of the partitioned table to append data to.
  • partitionColName: str. The partitioning column of the target table. Note: If the partitioned table has multiple partitioning columns, any one of the partitioning columns can be used. The specified partitioning column is used to determine connection allocation across partitions.
  • dbConnectionPool: DBConnectionPool. A DBConnectionPool object.

PartitionedTableAppender has only one method, append:

  • table: the data to be appended to the DolphinDB table. It is usually a local pandas.DataFrame.


In this script, we create a DFS database named dfs://valuedb and construct a partitioned table pt within it. Then instantiate a DBConnectionPool, pool, with 3 connections. Passing this connection pool to the PartitionedTableAppender enables us to concurrently append the locally generated DataFrame across the partitions of pt. Finally, print the result of the append() call.

import dolphindb as ddb
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import random

s = ddb.Session()
s.connect("localhost", 8848, "admin", "123456")
script = """
    dbPath = "dfs://valuedb"
    t = table(100:0, `id`date`vol, [SYMBOL, DATE, LONG])
    db = database(dbPath, VALUE, `APPL`IBM`AMZN)
    pt = db.createPartitionedTable(t, `pt, `id)

pool = ddb.DBConnectionPool("localhost", 8848, 3, "admin", "123456")
appender = ddb.PartitionedTableAppender(dbPath="dfs://valuedb", tableName="pt", partitionColName="id", dbConnectionPool=pool)
n = 100

dates = []
for i in range(n):
        "201{:d}-0{:1d}-{:2d}".format(random.randint(0, 9), random.randint(1, 9), random.randint(10, 28))))

data = pd.DataFrame({
    "id": np.random.choice(['AMZN', 'IBM', 'APPL'], n), 
    "time": dates,
    "vol": np.random.randint(100, size=n)
re = appender.append(data)

print("pt = loadTable('dfs://valuedb', 'pt'); select * from pt;"))


      id       date  vol
0   AMZN 2017-01-22   60
1   AMZN 2014-08-12   37
2   AMZN 2012-09-10   68
3   AMZN 2012-03-14   48
4   AMZN 2016-07-12    1
..   ...        ...  ...
95   IBM 2016-05-15   25
96   IBM 2012-06-19    6
97   IBM 2010-05-10   96
98   IBM 2017-07-10   32
99   IBM 2012-09-23   68

[100 rows x 3 columns]