Data Forms

The Java API supports the following data forms: Scalar, Vector, Matrix, Set, Dictionary, Table, and Tensor.



All basic data types of Java API implement the Scalar interface. For example, a scalar can be declared using the constructor of BasicInt:
Scalar scalar = new BasicInt(123);


You can use the getNumber method or the getString method to get the value of a basic data type.

For example, for BasicInt:

BasicInt basicInt = new BasicInt(36);
String basicIntString = basicInt.getString();
Number basicIntNumber = basicInt.getNumber();

Note: The getNumber method can only return numeric types. For non-numeric types such as BasicString, it will throw an exception. For example:

Scalar scalar = new BasicString("123123");

This will throw an exception:

java.lang.Exception: Incompatible data type

Data types currently supported by the getNumber method in the Java API include: BasicBoolean, BasicByte, BasicComplex, BasicDecimal32, BasicDecimal64, BasicDecimal128, BasicDouble, BasicDuration, BasicFloat, BasicInt, BasicInt128, BasicLong, BasicPoint, BasicShort, BasicString, Void.


The Java API support vectors of various data types. Note that this vector is not the Java built-in Vector. It is located in the package. The following description takes BasicIntVector for example.


The constructor for BasicIntVector is as follows:
// Define by capacity
public BasicIntVector(int size)

// Define by list and the vector has initial values
public BasicIntVector(List<Integer> list)


  1. You can add values to the end of a vector using the add method.

    BasicIntVector v = new BasicIntVector(6);
    for (int i = 0; i < v.rows(); i++) {
       System.out.print(v.get(i) + " ");

    Expected output:

    0 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 3 0
    // Note: Adding starts from the 7th position, not the beginning
  2. You can modify the values of the vector using the setInt method:

    BasicIntVector v = new BasicIntVector(6);
    v.setInt(0, 2147483647);
    v.setInt(1, -2147483647);
    v.setInt(2, 99);
    v.setInt(3, 0);
    v.setInt(4, -12);

    The setInt method is defined as follows:

    public void setInt(int index, int value)


    • index: The index of the element to be modified, starting from 0.
    • value: The value to modify the element to.
  3. You can get the value at a specific index using the get method:
    // Declare a Vector of size 5
    BasicIntVector v = new BasicIntVector(6);
    v.setInt(0, 2147483647);
    v.setInt(1, -2147483647);
    v.setInt(2, 99);
    v.setInt(3, 0);
    v.setInt(4, -12);
    // Get the number of rows in the vector. Note that this value is 6, not 5, because the Vector size is 6, and the unset parts are filled with 0 or null.
    for (int i = 0; i < v.rows(); i++) {

    In DolphinDB, a query returns a vector if it starts with exec and the result has only one column. For example, the following query returns a vector:

    DBConnection conn = new DBConnection();
    conn.connect(HOST, PORT, USER, PASSWORD);
    String script = "exec x from loadTable(\"dfs://ramd\", `pt1)";
    Vector vector = (Vector);

    The attempt to receive the result with a Table object will throw an exception:

    Table table = (Table);
    // java.lang.ClassCastException: cannot be cast to



A matrix is an interface implemented by various basic data types in matrix form. For example, the constructor for BasicIntMatrix is as follows:

public BasicIntMatrix(int rows, int columns, List<int[]> list)


  • rows: The number of rows in the matrix.
  • columns: The number of columns in the matrix.
  • list (optional): The initial values for each position in the matrix.
To declare a 2x2 BasicIntMatrix:
int[] row1 = {1, 2};
int[] row2 = {3, 4};
BasicIntMatrix matrix = new BasicIntMatrix(2, 2, Arrays.asList(row1, row2));


  1. You can use the get method to get a value at a specific position (defined by row and column) in the matrix. The return value is a scalar:

    public Scalar get(int row, int column)
  2. You can use the set<data_type> method (where <data_type> represents the data type, for example, if the data type is Int, the method is setInt) to set the value at a specific position in the matrix. For example, to set the value at row 1, column 2 to 3:

    matrix.setInt(1, 2, 3);


Java API provides a Set interface BasicSet for storing a series of elements of the same type.


Elements of a set are called keys. The constructor for BasicSet is as follows:

public BasicSet(DATA_TYPE keyType, int capacity)


  • keyType: An enum declaring the type of the set.
  • capacity (optional, default 0): An integer specifying the initial capacity of the set. The set will automatically double its capacity when the number of elements reaches 0.75*capacity.


  1. You can add objects to a set using the add method. For example:

    BasicSet basicSet = new BasicSet(Entity.DATA_TYPE.DT_INT,4);
    basicSet.add(new BasicInt(1));
  2. You can get all keys from a set using the keys method:

    public Vector keys();

    This method returns a vector (from package). You can get all the elements of the set using this vector:

    BasicSet basicSet = new BasicSet(Entity.DATA_TYPE.DT_INT);
    basicSet.add(new BasicInt(1));
    basicSet.add(new BasicInt(2));
    basicSet.add(new BasicInt(3));
    basicSet.add(new BasicInt(4));
    basicSet.add(new BasicInt(5));
    Vector vector = basicSet.keys();
  3. You can check if a key exists in the set using the contains method, which returns a boolean value. For example:

    BasicSet basicSet = new BasicSet(Entity.DATA_TYPE.DT_INT,4);
    basicSet.add(new BasicInt(1));
    basicSet.add(new BasicInt(2));
    basicSet.add(new BasicInt(3));
    basicSet.add(new BasicInt(4));
    basicSet.add(new BasicInt(5));
    System.out.println(basicSet.contains(new BasicInt(4)));



The constructor of BasicDictionary is as follows:

public BasicDictionary(DATA_TYPE keyType, DATA_TYPE valueType, int capacity)


  • keyType: An enum declaring the data type of the keys.
  • valueType: An enum declaring the data type of the values.
  • capacity (optional, default 0): An integer specifying the initial capacity of the dictionary. The dictionary will automatically double its capacity when the number of key-value pairs exceeds capacity.


  1. You can add a key-value pair to the BasicDictionary using the put method.

    BasicDictionary basicDictionary = new BasicDictionary(Entity.DATA_TYPE.DT_STRING, Entity.DATA_TYPE.DT_INT);
    // key type: BasicString, value type: BasicInt
    basicDictionary.put(new BasicString("1"),new BasicInt(2));
  2. You can retrieve the value to a key using the get method.

    BasicDictionary basicDictionary = new BasicDictionary(Entity.DATA_TYPE.DT_STRING, Entity.DATA_TYPE.DT_INT);
    basicDictionary.put(new BasicString("1"),new BasicInt(2));
    System.out.println(basicDictionary.get(new BasicString("1")));
    // output: 2
  3. You can query all keys using the keys method.

    Note: Unlike BasicSet, the keys method of BasicDictionary returns a set with a generic type of Entity. For example:

    BasicDictionary basicDictionary = new BasicDictionary(Entity.DATA_TYPE.DT_STRING, Entity.DATA_TYPE.DT_INT);
    basicDictionary.put(new BasicString("1"),new BasicInt(1));
    basicDictionary.put(new BasicString("2"),new BasicInt(2));
    basicDictionary.put(new BasicString("3"),new BasicInt(3));
    Set<Entity> entities = basicDictionary.keys();
    for (Entity e : entities) {
        System.out.print(e.getString() + " ");
    // output: 1 2 3 
  4. You can directly get the key-value mappings in BasicDictionary using the getString method:
    BasicDictionary basicDictionary = new BasicDictionary(Entity.DATA_TYPE.DT_STRING, Entity.DATA_TYPE.DT_INT);
    basicDictionary.put(new BasicString("1"),new BasicInt(4));
    basicDictionary.put(new BasicString("2"),new BasicInt(5));
    basicDictionary.put(new BasicString("3"),new BasicInt(6));
    // output: {1,2,3}->{4,5,6}


The Java API defines the data form Table to facilitate queries and operations on data.


The constructor of BasicTable is as follows:

public BasicTable(final List<String> colNames, final List<Vector> cols)


  • colNames: Column names of the table.

  • cols: Data for each column.


  1. You can directly obtain a table by executing a query.

    DBConnection dbConnection = new DBConnection();
    DBConnection dbConnection = new DBConnection();
    BasicTable basicTable = (BasicTable)"select * from loadTable(\"dfs://ramd\",`pt3)");
  2. You can get all values of a column using the getColumn method, which is defined as follows:

    // by column index
    public Vector getColumn(int index)
    // by column name
    public Vector getColumn(String name)

    The return value is a, which can be used to iterate through all data.

  3. You can manipulate the Vector object returned by getColumn to modify the content of the table. For example:

    public void test_set_nullvalue() throws IOException {
          List<String> colNames =  Arrays.asList("cint","cdouble","clong","cfloat","cshort");
          List<Vector> colData = Arrays.asList(new BasicIntVector(1),new BasicDoubleVector(1),new BasicLongVector(1),new BasicFloatVector(1),new BasicShortVector(1));
          BasicTable bt = new BasicTable(colNames,colData);
          bt.getColumn("cint").set(0,new BasicInt(Integer.MIN_VALUE));
          bt.getColumn("cdouble").set(0,new BasicDouble(-Double.MIN_VALUE));
          bt.getColumn("clong").set(0,new BasicLong(Long.MIN_VALUE));
          bt.getColumn("cfloat").set(0,new BasicFloat(-Float.MAX_VALUE));
          bt.getColumn("cshort").set(0,new BasicShort(Short.MIN_VALUE));
          bt.getColumn("cshort").set(0,new BasicShort(Short.MIN_VALUE));
          bt.getColumn("cshort").set(0,new BasicShort(Short.MIN_VALUE));
      }catch (Exception e){
  4. If you want to generate each row in JSON format, you can call the getRowJson method. For example:

    DBConnection dbConnection = new DBConnection();
    dbConnection.connect(HOST, PORT, USER, PASSWORD);
    BasicTable basicTable = (BasicTable)"select * from loadTable(\"dfs://ramd\", `pt3)");
    // Get the number of rows
    int rows = basicTable.rows();
    // Iterate through each row
    for (int i = 0; i < rows; i++) {



Java API implements Tensor data of the following types:

BasicTensor can be used to obtain Tensor data created with tensor() on DolphinDB server. The constructor on Java is not implemented yet.


public void test_tensor_1() throws IOException {
    DBConnection conn = new DBConnection();
    conn.connect("", 8802, "admin", "123456");
    // Create with DolphinDB function tensor()
    // Retrieve Tensor data with BasicTensor
    BasicTensor tensor = (BasicTensor)"tensor(((1..1000$50:20),(1..1000$50:20)))");

Execution result:
