Common Errors

If auto-reconnect is not enabled when connecting to the database, the C++ API will raise exceptions such as dolphindb::IOException or dolphindb::RuntimeException when network issues or other exceptions occur. In your C++ application, it is crucial to handle these exceptions by implementing proper exception catching mechanisms. Failure to do so may result in an unintended process termination.

Below lists some frequently encountered I/O errors.

Error Code Error Message
IO Error 1 Socket is disconnected/closed or file is closed.
IO Error 2 In non-blocking socket mode, there is no data ready for retrieval yet.
IO Error 3 Out of memory, no disk space, or no buffer for sending data in non-blocking socket mode.
IO Error 4 String size exceeds 64K or code size exceeds 1 MB during serialization over network.
IO Error 5 In non-blocking socket mode, a program is in pending connection mode.
IO Error 6 Invalid message format.
IO Error 7 Reach the end of a file or a buffer.
IO Error 13 Unknown IO error.