New Features

  • Added the following new methods to the JDBCDataBaseMetaData class:
    • setCatalog to set the database catalog name to select a subspace of the Connection object's database in which to work.

    • getCatalogs to get the database catalogs.

    • getTables to get information of specific tables.

    • getColumns to get information of specific columns.

  • Added getBigDecimal method to the JDBCResult class to retrieve the value of specified column as BigDecimal type. It can be called in two ways:
    BigDecimal getBigDecimal(int columnIndex) throws SQLException;
    BigDecimal getBigDecimal(String columnLabel) throws SQLException;
  • The insert into clause of JDBCPrepareStatement class now supports inserting data to specific columns, and null values are written to the rest columns.

  • Added method setMaxRows to the JDBCStatement class to set the upper limit for the number of records that a ResultSet object can contain.

  • Added method getMaxRows to the JDBCStatement class to get the specified upper limit for the number of records applied to the ResultSet object.


  • The insert into clause of JDBCPrepareStatement class now writes data in batches instead of by record.

  • The commit() and rollback() methods of JDBCConnection class do not support transactions at user level and return null by default.