New Features

  • The MultithreadedTableWriter class now supports creating array vectors of the following types: boolean[], byte[], char[], short[], int[], long[], double[], and float[].

  • The ThreadPooledClient class now supports a public constructor ThreadPooledClient(int threadCount) that allows the publisher to push streaming data using the connection established by the subscriber.

  • The PollingClient class now supports a default constructor PollingClient() that allows the publisher to push streaming data using the connection established by the subscriber.

  • New features for the BasicTable class:

    • Adding duplicate columns with addColumn is no longer allowed;

    • The replaceColumn method can replace a single column;

    • The replaceColName method can rename a single column.


  • Optimized the DBConnection class:

    • Renamed the parameter userID to userId in method login;

    • Renamed method getUserID to getUserId.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed incorrect results returned by method Append for BasicDecimal32Vector, BasicDecimal64Vector, and BasicDecimal128Vector types.
  • Fixed an issue where calling setNull on an instance of the BasicSymbolVector class without any null values would cause errors, disconnections, or exceptions when later retrieving data.