Utility Functions


DolphinDB supports generating metacode for method calls defined within classes using the following functions:

  • objCall(obj, methodName, args...)

  • unifiedObjCall(obj, methodName, args)

  • makeObjCall(obj, methodName, args...)

  • makeUnifiedObjCall(obj, methodName, args)


  • obj is the object.

  • methodName is a string representing the method name.

  • args... are the parameters passed to the method.


Use makeObjCall to create metacode for OOP method calls:

class Person {
  name :: STRING
  age :: INT
  def Person(name_, age_) { 
    name = name_
    age = age_
  def setName(newName) {
    name = newName
  def getName(year, gender) {
    if (year < 2020)
      return year
      return name
a = Person("Harrison", 20)
f = a.getName{2015}
// Use objCall
objCall(a, "getName", 2015, true)
// Use unifiedObjCall
unifiedObjCall(a, "getName", (2015, true))
// Use makeObjCall
makeObjCall(a, "getName", 2015, true).eval()
// Use makeUnifiedObjCall
makeUnifiedObjCall(a, "getName", (2015, true)).eval()

Other Functions

  • isInstanceOf(obj, cls): Checks if an object is an instance of a specific class or its derived class, returning a Boolean value.

    class B {
      def B() {}
    class D : B {
      def D() {}
    class A {
      def A() {}
    d = D()
    isInstanceOf(d, D)  // true
    isInstanceOf(d, B)  // true
    isInstanceOf(d, A)  // false
  • setAttr(obj, attrName, value): Sets or modifies the attributes of an object obj. For example, setAttr(obj, `alpha, 16), or obj.setAttr(`alpha, 16).

These utility functions enable flexible and dynamic manipulation of class instances and their methods, enhancing the power of object-oriented programming in DolphinDB.